Loose Belly Fat: A Women’s Guide to Getting Rid of That Dog Belly NOW
Health Fitness

Loose Belly Fat: A Women’s Guide to Getting Rid of That Dog Belly NOW

Loose abdominal fat, particularly after a pregnancy, can be one of the most frustrating areas of a woman’s body to quickly flatten and tighten. Many of my new weight loss clients come to me specifically looking to firm up this area to return to their pre-baby shape, and it’s a constant problem that doctors don’t warn moms-to-be about in advance so they can take action during their pregnancies to limit the damage.

Fortunately, Asian women have perfected the art of regaining loose abdominal fat so that it behaves correctly, even right after having a baby, and you can learn their tips and tricks to treat that problem area.

Loose Belly Fat: The Skinny Asian Solution

You are not going to learn ALL the fat burning and stomach shrinking secrets that Asian women have in one short article or web page. But you definitely CAN learn some of the basics that will help get you started on the right path to a better body:

1. Asian women have used abdominal wraps for hundreds of years.

If you think that the shapewear and slimming control tops of the American company “Spanx” are something new on the scene, you have definitely never been to Asia.

Asian women have been wearing versions of tight underwear and pantyhose for generations, particularly to reshape loose abdominal fat whenever they’ve gained weight and then quickly lost it. If you look at any women’s magazine in Taiwan, Hong Kong, or Japan, you will see hundreds of advertisements for these incredible garments, along with incredible evidence of their great success in reducing body parts.

When selecting a wrap, it’s important to choose one that is the size you WANT to be, not the size you currently are. You have to be able to wear it for long periods of time, so get something comfortable, but you also want it to be very tight to work its magic around your midsection.

Here’s a great tip: Thanks to the popularity of liposuction surgery in recent years, the medical field is churning out tons of post-surgical girdles that patients wear to heal. You can take advantage of the mass production of these items by purchasing one at a lower price by searching for “post-surgical girdle” on your favorite web search engine. These are great weapons for losing stomach fat and are high quality products.

2. You need the right eating plan and basic exercise strategy to make it work.

Even with fabulous belly wraps, you’re not going to progress without using the entire bag of tricks that Asian women have when it comes to getting their bodies lean and toned.

To shed that loose belly fat, you need to come up with an eating plan that focuses on protein as your main food (chicken, lean meat, fish, eggs, tofu, soy, etc.) and combine it with a simple 3 days a week . Weekly program of exercises for the core muscles (crunch, leg raises).

This space is too short to go into the details I provide in my entire program for clients, but try to focus on making each meal have the right proportion and balance of protein, fiber-rich carbohydrates (veggies), and healthy fats, along with activity that focuses on walking for 30 minutes per day (15 minutes in the morning, 15 minutes in the evening).

It’s a good start on the road to getting rid of loose abdominal fat and will give you some small improvements to work on.

What if you still can’t lose your “dog” belly?

If you can’t lose inches using the above, you’ll want to learn a more powerful secret free method Asian women use to shed fat from their belly and thighs in less than a month… without starving or going crazy. training

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