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Lose weight after giving birth: the absolutely fun way

My sister has twice as many children as me and half the waist. She has always driven me crazy. How is it that she can lose weight after giving birth so easily and I can’t?

Most moms I’ve met know at least one mom who never seems to exercise, never bothers to have a shake, and never keeps her baby fat. If you are one of those lucky women, what are you doing here? If not, you’re probably just as upset as I am.

Well, one day I pinned down my sister to find out what was going on. It’s not that I have a fast metabolism, or some other genetic fluke that I missed. It’s actually incredibly simple. My sister never tried to lose weight after giving birth, she just tried to stay healthy.

Hey? It didn’t make sense, and she certainly couldn’t explain it, so like any loving sister, I quizzed her on exactly what she did after each baby was born, to try to figure out where I was going wrong when trying to lose weight afterward. childbirth

I was surprised when I understood how simple it was. Have a look:

My morning: getting out of bed after feeding the baby two hours earlier, changing her diaper, trying to keep the tired baby happy while devouring a breakfast bar and cup of tea. Try to entertain the baby while he tries to clean the kitchen.

My sister’s morning: getting out of bed after feeding the baby two hours earlier, taking a handful of nuts from the plate on the nightstand, changing the baby’s diaper, taking an apple from the bowl in the kitchen, holding the baby in the stroller and walk/jog to the cafeteria for a cup of tea and a bagel. Come home to a wide-awake, happy baby who is ready to nurse.

And so the day passed. She planned her day and her home so she could have healthy food on hand no matter what room she was in, to get a little exercise several times a day (she said her kids loved being in the baby carrier while she did squats for unloading the dishwasher), and basically took care of herself without worrying about the bathroom scale or finding time to hit the gym.

I was amazed, impressed and amazed. He was also too disorganized to make his solution work for me. So what did I do? I did some research. Turns out my sister isn’t the only mom who ditched diets and gyms in favor of staying healthy and managed to lose postpartum weight by doing so. In fact, there are even some guides that provide step-by-step help in setting up a similar daily schedule, especially for working moms.

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