
Lose weight per minute

Are you short of breath at the top of the stairs? Does it hurt just to play with your children / grandchildren? Do you feel that you can and should do better?

Welcome to Lose Weight Per Minute, where we provide you with simple exercises that everyone can do in a minute! In today’s fast-paced world, time is a luxury that many cannot afford; especially for exercising. At Lose Weight by the Minute we put at your disposal 5 quick and easy exercises that anyone can do, regardless of their age or current physical condition.

Here are the five for today …

Calf Raise: To perform a calf raise, simply keep your ball planted and lift your heel off the ground as high as you can. This can be done while brushing your teeth, waiting by the copier, or even preparing dinner. Get started simple and work your way up to sets of 20.

Ab Flex: While sitting at your desk, on the couch, or even lying in bed, flex your abdominal muscles, hold for a good 10 seconds, and then release. Start with small amounts of time, increasing the duration as you improve.

Jump Rope: (Did you just say jump rope?!?!) Yeah! As much as we all enjoyed jumping rope when we were very little, we seem to have completely forgotten about it. A simple minute of jumping rope does wonders for your heart and lungs, including a great workout for your calf muscles. Jumping can be done indoors with a high ceiling, while watching the children play, or admiring the outdoors and getting some fresh air.

Splits: Now I know what you’re thinking … splits ?! The ultimate goal for you may be division, but for many, it’s about feeling better. Doing simple stretches while watching television is a great way to relax your body. If possible, stretch first thing in the morning, this will leave you feeling good throughout the day rather than tired and stiff. Try to hold each stretch for 10 seconds, alternating sides and stretches, and make sure you never bounce on your stretch!

Brisk walk – Brisk walk is something that can be done over and over again throughout the day. Whenever you need to move from point A to point B within the office, home, or garden, try brisk walking instead of casually walking. Walking a little faster is a great way to get your heart rate up and get your lungs pumping. Looking for a bigger challenge? Try a light jog once or twice during the day.

Always remember, weight loss, better health, and looking good IS possible for everyone at your starting point!

This is your life and you deserve to live it to the fullest. Take control of your life! Now, you might be thinking, “I work in a crowded office, I can’t just run or do calf calves in the office!” Sure you can!

If someone sees you doing Calf Raises next to the copier, what’s the worst that can happen? I guarantee you will have brightened her day. 🙂

Tune in next week to Lose Weight by the Minute for 5 Great Toning Tips.

Experience real life

Alain blais

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