Losing Weight After Pregnancy: Which Exercises Are Best For A Post Pregnancy Workout?

Losing Weight After Pregnancy: Which Exercises Are Best For A Post Pregnancy Workout?

Your wonderful little bundle of joy has arrived, now is the time to focus on losing the post-baby weight. So what is a good post pregnancy workout for you? First, talk to your doctor about what exercises you can do for a post-pregnancy workout; especially if you had special health problems or complications with the delivery. You may not only be able to jog again, but chances are you can at least do something. These are just a few of the many exercises that your doctor may recommend as safe for post-pregnancy weight loss:

Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises involve pulling the pelvis and other related internal muscles “up and in.” After birth, as everything has stretched out a bit and the muscles may be loose, these exercises are especially important. To do Kegels correctly, when you go to the bathroom at some point, try to practice starting and stopping the flow of urine. If you can do this, you have found and can use your Kegel muscles correctly. It’s not a good idea to routinely stop the flow of urine, but it’s a good way to practice several times while learning where your Kegels are, how to exercise them, and how to “get up and in” correctly.

The rest is easy once you know how to do it. With an empty bladder, lie on the floor, face up, and pull up and in, as if stopping the flow of urine, hold the contraction for three to four seconds, and release. Do this up to 10 times, several times a day. You can also do them sitting down, which means it’s very convenient to do when you’re sitting in traffic, sitting at your desk, etc., multiple times a day.


Walking is another great exercise you can do that doesn’t require any equipment (except maybe a stroller or stroller) and can be very enjoyable, especially since it’s something you can do with your baby. To start losing weight easily after pregnancy, simply aim to get out and walk for up to an hour a day with your baby. You don’t have to do the time all at once either. You can break it up into smaller segments, but just get outside and enjoy the fresh air. And be a proud mom by pushing your new baby in her stroller or stroller.

pilates and yoga

To lose weight after pregnancy, you may need to start with some modifications, since you may not be able to do your usual routine right away. However, basic Pilates and basic yoga will strengthen your muscles and increase your flexibility at the same time, ensuring that you can get in and stay in shape.

And by the way, don’t worry too much about focusing on your abs, at least at first. Simply losing the extra weight is enough to get you started, especially since you may need time to heal if you’ve had stitches or any type of surgery, or even if you’ve had a separation in your abdominal muscles due to the pregnancy itself. And that is; that is a very simple post pregnancy workout that can make you lose weight fast after pregnancy. Of course, there are other easy exercises you can do that will help you lose post-baby weight even faster.

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