Lifestyle Fashion

Manual dermasanding: the delicate touch in facial rejuvenation

The idea of ​​scraping the skin to improve appearance is nothing new. Dermabrasion, a surgical skin smoothing technique that uses a high-speed rotary abrasive instrument, has been popular for more than fifty years. More recently, however, hand sanding or gentle “buffing” of the skin, with or without the addition of a mild exfoliating chemical agent, has in many cases replaced the earlier rotary abrasive method to treat a wide variety of scars, wrinkles and complexion and pigment. problems. The sanding action improves contour irregularities when a new layer of leather replaces the worn leather. The result is a smoother, fresher and brighter appearance.

Manual polishing has proven especially helpful in treating the delicate skin around the eyes, nose, and lips – areas much more difficult to treat with conventional high-speed rotary dermabrasion. There is also no blood spatter, which is typical for the latter procedure, significantly reducing concerns about the possible spread of HIV and hepatitis infections. Buf-peels should not be confused with microdermabrasion, which is a much more superficial form of sanding the skin. Although much less expensive than laser resurfacing and with a generally shorter recovery time, buf peels can offer a reasonable alternative and often produce results that can be just as rewarding.

Uses of Buf-Peels

When dermabrasion was first developed, it was used primarily to improve acne scars, pox marks, and scars resulting from accidents or disease. Today, skin sanding methods are commonly used to treat tattoos, age spots (liver), wrinkles, “frown” and “worry” lines, as well as other types of skin lesions.

As with other rejuvenation techniques, conditions for which dermasanding would not be effective include the presence of congenital skin defects, certain types of moles or pigmented birthmarks, and burn scars.

What is involved

Polishing is an office procedure. Medications may be given to relax the patient before surgery and supplemented with the use of topical or local anesthesia to numb the treatment sites. Then a sterile abrasive material is used to gently buff or scrape the upper layers of the skin to improve surface irregularities. In “polishing peeling”, polishing is preceded or followed by the application of a chemical peeling agent, usually a low concentration of trichloroacetic acid, to further enhance the smoothing of the skin.

What to expect next

For a few days, the skin feels like it has been too sunburned, and medications for discomfort, such as Lida Mantle Cream or Lida Mantle HC Cream, may be prescribed. Healing generally occurs within seven days for polished skin and seven to ten days for peeled areas.

The newly formed skin, which is pink and slightly swollen at first, gradually develops a normal appearance. In most cases, the pink color fades within six to eight weeks. Regular makeup can be used to cover up as soon as the scabs are removed. Most people can resume normal work or social routines in seven to fourteen days. People are instructed to avoid unnecessary direct and indirect sunlight for three to six months after the procedure and to use sunscreen regularly when outdoors.

Possible complications

In certain skin types, there is a risk of developing a temporary or permanent color change to the skin. Taking birth control pills, pregnancy, or a family history of brown discoloration on the face can increase the chance of developing abnormal pigmentation.

Although it is low, there is a risk of scarring in certain areas of the face and people in particular may be more prone to scarring. If scars do occur, they can usually be treated with good results.

Polishing and polishing peeling limitations

Polishing and peeling cannot significantly tighten sagging or flabby skin and are not intended to replace face lift, brow lift or eye lift procedures.

Polishing will not remove certain deep scars. Punch graft, punch lift, scar excision, derma-spacing, or soft tissue fillers can be much more effective either alone or in combination with polishing peel.

Lastly, polishing and peeling may not necessarily change pore size in all cases, nor can they predictably remove broken blood vessels from the face. However, they can improve the appearance of these conditions.

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