Models and online video are a must!

Models and online video are a must!

Did you know that right behind Facebook, YouTube is the next most popular website? Impressive statistics show that 52% of Internet traffic is now video, 70% of Internet users watch videos online, and the average YouTube visitor spends 27 minutes a day watching videos.

Let’s face it, videos are turning some ordinary people into celebrities overnight. What does this mean exactly? Well, if you’re an aspiring model and you don’t have a YouTube channel, that’s a problem. Get yourself a Flip Video and record yourself posing, modeling, and talking about your modeling aspirations. Video is so powerful and currently all the rage.

Be creative in your approach and think outside of the box. If you look like a celebrity talk about it and show it in your video. If you want to break into the video slut market, make a video that shows off your figure. If you have good hands, show them off in a video, as body part modeling is an option. Whatever your niche, show it off.

market yourself
When you have your video ready, why not email it to the agency along with your snapshots of yourself? Unlike pictures, videos show you living in the moment. This can be intimidating to some, so be sure to video yourself and play it back a few times so you can see what you look like.

Personal experience
I recently took a basic Business Technique class and learned a lot about myself. He was doing things on camera that he had no idea he was doing. One thing I’ve learned is that I nod a lot when talking to people to let them know I’m listening, but on camera she looked like a crazy woman. I quickly broke the habit by putting a piece of duct tape around my neck. I still nod when I am face to face with someone but not in front of the camera because I am aware of it.

One of my agents is now incorporating video for his clients to see his talent live and in person. Again, you can’t get this from a photograph. So get ahead of the crowd and make a video of yourself.

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