Health Fitness

No more eye strain! Find out how to protect the WINDOWS OF THE WORLD!

Sunken eyes, single-legged eyes, or hooded eyes; they all have a similar function, to guide you faithfully until you misuse or overuse them.

When I was a child, my eyes were big, round, black with double lids. Friends and neighbors frequently commented on my beautiful pair of eyes. That made me proud of my beauty. As the years went by, the eyes were overworked, overworked, and the lids drooped and sometimes puffed up. The long hours spent marking student exercises or exams were also affecting the health of my eyes.

There are different colors of eyes.

People with black eyes are very secretive, a study revealed. They don’t open up with strangers or newly acquainted friends that easily. They take more time to socialize and get comfortable with them. When I read that, I thought to myself that those characteristics fit me! I’M LIKE THAT! I have black eyes and will only be friends with someone, after a year or two. I am very cautious around strangers too!

On the other hand, blue-eyed people are said to be the most desirable. Many babies are born with blue eyes, which is why they are so desirable. If they have genetically blue eyes, they will naturally remain blue for the rest of their lives. Most people find blue eyes very attractive. Also, people with blue eyes have a calm and peaceful personality.

But lo and behold! … the green-eyed people, they look so mysterious! They are naturally curious and tend to get jealous easily. I would not like to have a partner with green eyes!

Those with brown eyes are said to be independent. They have confidence in themselves and determination to carry out whatever they undertake. You know you can trust them to deliver on their promises to perfection. Brown-eyed children are representatives of knowledge and commitment, which are highly valued.

We can communicate a lot with our eyes, from the slightest look to a deep look, they have the ability to reveal our emotions. We could see the sadness in his eyes when his partner left him. He can’t hide that expression in his eyes. Only an actor who has received training can express himself differently.

A child’s eyes will shine brightly when they score 100% on their exams.
When you’re excited, scared, anxious, angry, or jealous, your eyes reveal expressions so automatically. Naturally, we should not cause EYE STRESS too often.

Take lots of breaks if you are browsing the Internet. We have to look up or look out the window and do some eye exercises. Look at some greenery and flowers in your garden and roll your eyes. Allow your eyes to focus on different points in your room; focus on things near and far. That way it would ease the strain on your eyes a bit.

Too much time in front of the computer also causes strain on the neck, back muscles, and also causes headaches and fatigue. It is advisable to get up and walk, but sleep is the MOST DESIRABLE rest for the eyes. If your eyes feel dry, use eye drops to make them feel better. Good sleep is beneficial to your physical and mental health.

All lights have effects on sleep. Blue light is beneficial during the day but not at night. We have to limit exposure to blue light to sleep better. When possible, turn off all devices two hours before bed to relax your eyes.

Do you know that you have to change your mattress every 5-7 years so that you sleep better? Also consider what you eat or drink before bed.

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