Personal appearance and attitude

Personal appearance and attitude

Personal appearance is usually defined by the way we groom ourselves and dress, and is often instrumental in other people forming opinions about us. Therefore, it is obvious that attention and care must be paid to how we look in order to make the best impression. In a work environment, there is often a dress code that is, in some cases, mandatory. This situation means that the employee has little or no problem following the code. However, for the ambitious, enthusiastic and dedicated person, this dress code can present an ideal opportunity to get noticed. Stylish, well-fitting, well-pressed clothing will make a big difference in how you are judged. Certain industries and professions are quite adamant about dress and insist that company uniforms be worn. Even then, it is possible to stand out from the crowd by paying attention to good grooming which will always result in a stylish appearance.

If there are no restrictions on the type of clothing you wear to work, it’s usually easier to make a good impression with your choice of clothing. Be careful when deciding what clothes to wear to work to make a statement about yourself, so make the most of the opportunity. Dress sense is a very important attribute, but not useful, everyone has it. If you fall into that category, follow the dress code used by your colleagues, but always strive to be a little smarter. This extra attention to detail helps create a business appearance.

A person’s attitude is extremely important as the wrong attitude can have a negative effect and spoil your chances of promotion. The wrong attitude can make someone appear offensive and truculent, giving a completely false impression. Attitude has a lot to do with confidence and can give other people the wrong signals. It is not uncommon for a person’s attitude to adversely affect all of her performance in a work environment even though she may be good at her job. Recent research has looked at the reasons why certain managers are chosen for redundancy over their contemporaries. If you are aware of the main reasons thrown by this research, you will obviously avoid making the same mistakes. For the benefit of the reader and as a matter of interest, we will include them in this section since they refer to attitudes that must be avoided at all costs. It may not stop the redundancy, but it will certainly help you avoid being a prime candidate.

These are some of the reasons that are considered useless. (a) Lack of team building (b) Arrogance (c) Lack of ethics (d) Lack of trust (e) Poor management (f) Lack of strategic thinking (g) Overmanagement (h) Tunnel vision (i) Will not network (j) ) Inflexibility (k) Defensive attitude

Once again, we see the need to be practical, helpful, understanding and truthful, as well as being able to detect a problem and have the ability to solve it. Personal attitude towards work counts a lot in how your performance is evaluated, so it is obviously beneficial to develop a positive, constructive and helpful attitude at work. Such an attitude will help you cope with all aspects of the workplace and brings its own rewards and very often leads to promotion.

If you’re lucky enough to be provided with a company car, should you consider it a “perk” that goes with the job? In which case, it’s probably not taken care of very well, is rarely washed, is usually messy inside, has various minor flaws, broken lenses, small scratches, etc. Surely it’s better to see it as an expensive privilege that comes with work, one worth taking care of and being proud of. Once again, this attitude makes an excellent impression if you are dealing with company property. The same values ​​apply to mobile phones, laptops, voice recorders and any other equipment used by the modern manager. Taking care of these things as if they were your own and paid for by you can only result in positive comments about your attitude. Another place where you can make a good impression is in your office or workplace. We have all seen offices and workplaces where chaos reigns. Desks littered with paper, overflowing paper trays, newspapers and magazines strewn everywhere, empty coffee cups strewn everywhere all give the wrong signals. The same goes for file cabinets with tops loaded with files and plants that badly need a drink of water. Clothes hanging precariously on the furniture also look messy. All of these points paint a picture of inefficiency.

Imagine how much better the print would be if desks are tidy and filing cabinets and other furniture are used for their intended purpose. It doesn’t take long to tidy up, especially if it’s done regularly. Once again, if you do it often it becomes a habit. There is a saying in business that “An orderly desk shows an orderly mind.” Very true!

Most of the above will seem like common sense and obvious to most readers, but we make no apologies for emphasizing it. Very often it is a lapse of common sense and neglect of the obvious that leads to bad practice, which reflects on the person concerned, so please consider these points very carefully. In closing, remember that a positive appearance and a positive attitude result in a positive impression of you.

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