Plants, zombies and a free iPhone 4G: get your free unit in 3 easy steps

Plants, zombies and a free iPhone 4G: get your free unit in 3 easy steps

Plants, zombies and a free iPhone 4G! Imagine playing the most popular Popcap game on the Retina display of the newest model of Apple’s flagship product. That’s how it is! You can get a free 4G iPhone, fast and easy, by following what we will be telling you in this article. keep reading

If you don’t know which Plants vs. Zombies is a tower defense game published by Popcap, one that has taken the casual gaming world by storm. So popular is Plants versus Zombies that market watchers say it’s the only app that has sold more iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad units than all other apps combined.

The good news is that you don’t have to buy an Apple product to enjoy this game of plants, zombies and sunflowers (you’ll know what we’re talking about once you play). You can savor Popcap’s masterpiece with a free iPhone 4G. Yes, Plants vs. Zombies runs on this system!

How can you get a free 4G iPhone? Here are 3 very easy steps to make sure you bring home the newest mobile phone from Apple as soon as possible.

STEP 1 – Find a legitimate TRY & OWN offer.

There are many TEST & OWN offers on the internet today, asking people to sign up and get an iPhone 4G unit and test it for bugs and defects. To compensate these testers, advertisers let them keep the units they tested. Fantastic deal, right?

These advertisers are companies interested in the performance of the new Apple cell phone. They are manufacturing partners, distributors, potential advertisers, or third-party developers, and they want to know if the 4G model is a reliable incarnation of the line. For this, they need your help.

Now, it’s just a matter of choosing a legitimate free iPhone 4G deal.

STEP 2: Provide your zip code.

Pretty easy, right? Your ZIP code is really essential to legitimate advertisers’ research efforts, as they often want to geographically segment their respondents. For example, a particular advertiser may only need respondents from the US, or perhaps the UK, or even Australia/New Zealand. Asking for their zip code is the best way to ensure that you are from the area they are going to.

Once you have submitted your zip code, you will be asked to provide your personal details, ie your name, address and email. Don’t worry though, this is just to make sure they will have your shipping details once they ship your free iPhone 4G unit.

STEP 3: Answer your questions.

Often these legitimate advertisers will ask you to answer a series of questions in the form of surveys. Just answer them, as this would be your entry to receive your free iPhone 4G unit. It shouldn’t take long and is by far the easiest way to get your own Apple cell phone.

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