Pomeranian Care Tips

Pomeranian Care Tips

Inviting a new puppy home is an exciting time, especially when it comes to a Pomeranian. They are full of sperm and fluff, and are one of the most beloved breeds. Pomeranians require much of the same type of care as other dogs, but there are some aspects of their care that need to be considered prior to ownership.

Like many breeds, Pomeranians need significant physical activity. They are a high energy breed and love to play. Chasing a flash beam around a room is a fun indoor activity for small dogs. Outdoor activities like walks or trips to the dog park are also fun.

One of the characteristics that many people especially love about Pomeranians is their super fluffy fur. This breed of dog actually has two layers of fur: an undercoat and a top coat. Brushing his coat means thoroughly brushing both coats. This will prevent tangling and is easiest done three times a week. Paying special attention to brushing his coat very well during the change of seasons, from cold to warm, also reduces shedding.

Just as brushing your hair is important, so is brushing your teeth. Buying a soft-bristled children’s toothbrush is fine, but only dog-specific toothpaste should be used. Starting a tooth brushing routine as soon as the pup can get away from its mother’s side helps it get used to having its teeth brushed and will be less likely to fight it. Additionally, feeding them dog treats specifically designed to reduce dog plaque is another way to maintain a Pomeranian’s oral health.

While tooth brushing should only be done weekly, owners may find that they need to clean a Pomeranian’s watery eyes more often. A slightly damp cotton ball or swab makes this job easier. Simply take the wet ball and gently roll it over the dog’s eyes. Daily maintenance of the dog’s eyes will prevent scabbing from forming, making it difficult to clean the face. An owner can also use a cool, damp cotton ball to wipe their ears as needed.

Trimming a Pomeranian’s nails is an acquired skill. Some people are comfortable doing this at home and it saves time and money. However, some owners do not find it worth the risk of trimming them too much and prefer to let professional groomers handle this task. The Pomeranian is a very portable dog and it is not difficult to take it to a groomer to have its nails trimmed once or twice a month.

Another important aspect of caring for a Pomeranian is knowing the special health needs of this breed. While they are generally very healthy, their small size leads to a higher incidence of hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. A Pomeranian’s metabolism is quite fast and when combined with their small stomach it can be difficult to maintain their blood sugar levels. Symptoms of low blood sugar in dogs include lethargy, disorientation, weakness, or seizures. When these symptoms are observed, it is necessary to give the Pom some sugar, usually in the form of Karo syrup or Nutri Cal, a high-calorie nutritional supplement designed specifically for puppies.

Other health issues to watch out for with this breed include distichia and entropy, which are problems with the Pomeranian’s eyelashes; patellar dislocation, slippery patella; and tracheal collapse, resulting in breathing problems. To best care for a Pomeranian and prevent these common health problems, feed it a filler-free diet. Choose a dog food that is primarily meat and has high levels of DHA, Omega 6, and Omega 3. Supplements are not needed if they are on a high-quality diet, but some Poms may need glucosamine supplements.

Caring for a Pomeranian is rewarding work. A well cared for dog is a happy dog ​​and will bring its owner many wonderful days of play and love.

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