Portable vs. Traditional Trade Show Displays: Which is Right for You?

Portable vs. Traditional Trade Show Displays: Which is Right for You?

Traditional custom trade show displays are known for making a strong impression. In the past, portable screens were considered inferior because they weren’t flashy in design and simply couldn’t compete with their larger cousins. Today, however, times have changed. Portable displays are now the absolute equal of any trade show display, and in some cases superior. Only by knowing the positive and negative aspects of each type of stand will you be able to make the best choice for your company.

Problem 1: Portability

A good place to start comparing these two stand types is with their portability features. Portable displays are obviously designed to be mobile. They are made to be assembled by a maximum of two people, and many can be easily assembled with just one. Although conventional trade show displays are still less mobile, they have become much easier to set up in recent years. Although they are not classified as fully designed for portability, they have borrowed a lot of technology from portable exhibits. Even conventional designs are now lighter, easier to set up, and much easier to transport.

Ultimately, then, the question comes down to how mobile you’d like the exhibit to be. If you’re going to set it up without help, your best bet is probably a unit designed for easy setup and probably not a conventional display. If you have two or more people available for setup, virtually all of the options will be available to you. Then it becomes a question of what is most important to you. If you are particularly interested in having an easy installation and removal experience, please keep that in mind as you consider the rest of the questions to guide your choice.

Question 2: Usability

Conventional exhibits have always had more utility than their highly mobile cousins. It is much easier to fit product shelves in a traditional booth and may not even be possible with some highly mobile units. Traditional exhibits tend to be sturdier as a whole and much better able to support things like electronics and other equipment that are placed on top of them. If your business intends to use any of these elements in your exhibit, you should consider carefully before choosing something designed to be mobile. Although it’s easier to move around, you may have restrictions as to what you can actually use with it once you’re up.

Question 3: wow factor

This last question is often the most difficult for companies to analyze. It’s usually easy to decide if portability or flexibility is your primary concern, and therefore understand whether a mobile display or conventional unit is your best option in that regard. When it comes to judging pure design impact, it’s much less simple because it’s subjective. The best way to get an answer is by considering the nature of your industry.

If you’re in a cutting-edge field where science and technology are considered paramount, you’ll want an exhibit design to match. This type of design can be found on conventional trade show displays designed by forward-thinking companies, but is more easily found on a portable unit. However, if your industry prefers a large display to a more high-tech one, you will find that a traditional unit is your best option. The extra flexibility and strength will make up for the slightly more difficult setup.

Building a great unit

The best way to create a great display is to work with a company that shares your vision. You won’t be able to build your drive completely on your own, so start the partnership early and build a relationship with a company you trust. They will help you make tough decisions, like choosing between a mobile unit and a conventional cab.

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