Positive affirmations to use when you feel lazy

Positive affirmations to use when you feel lazy

Has anyone told you that you are lazy? Perhaps you have told yourself many times. You can use positive affirmations to overcome your reluctance or inability to take action. But first, let’s see what could be behind the alleged laziness.

How fear prevents action

Most lazy callers actually have deep-seated fears. Some of the most common are feared:

  • responsibility

  • failure

  • success (which is often related to responsibility)

  • To be different

  • being separated from friends and family

Any fear you have is based on the belief that what you are contemplating doing is not safe. You acquired these beliefs when you were very young. Almost all of them originated before you were five years old.

How not knowing prevents action

Many people seem to lack ambition simply because they don’t know what they would like to do with their lives. They haven’t found their passion yet. They have not figured out what will motivate them to do something more than what they are doing now.

If someone appears to be a dedicated couch potato, you can be sure that if there is a fire they will be on the move. Having passion requires having an activity that ignites the inner fire to find a goal and follow it.

Usually, the fear of making the wrong decision interferes with discovering something a person is passionate about. Those who have always been excited about something in life or have always known what they wanted to do as adults have a hard time understanding someone who can’t find themselves.

How affirmations help

People who appear lazy often repeat the same statements: “I don’t want to,” “I can’t,” “I’m not interested,” or other self-limiting beliefs. Every time a limiting belief is repeated, the limitation is reinforced. When you use positive affirmations, positive statements, you are counteracting the limiting belief. You are also beginning to build a new pathway in your brain that will open you up to different possibilities.

Tips for moving forward

If you want to change, you have to take action. This starts by changing the messages you give yourself.

“I can’t” was changed to “yes I can”. Continue to do something different that you know you can do. It can be as easy as walking around the block.

You may want to replace “I don’t want” with “I want to know what I enjoy.” Follow that with the action of listing three things you enjoy doing. Then tell yourself, “I’m figuring out what I really want to do with my life.”

If the difficulty is that you are afraid, take a deep breath, hold your breath for a count of four, and then exhale as far as you can. Follow that with the positive affirmation, “I have the courage to overcome my fears.”

Jumped Ripping the Subconscious

Every time you use a positive statement instead of a limiting one, you are opening your subconscious mind to a different possibility in life. When you use limiting words, your subconscious mind wants to support those words. When you use words that open you up to possibility, your subconscious mind wants to support you in that area.

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