Psychic Feelings – How to Navigate Premonitions or Feelings About the Future
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Psychic Feelings – How to Navigate Premonitions or Feelings About the Future

What do psychic feelings feel like? Should I trust my gut when they happen…or is it wiser to let them slide? What’s the difference between a genuine psychic sensation and something silly, or just a wild guess that ended up happening?

And if I often have psychic feelings, does that mean I’m really psychic myself? What can I do if I am? The truth is that we get a lot of questions about various kinds of psychic feelings, sensations, and clues that later turn out to be true. For example… the feeling of deja vu is quite common.

So is a precognitive dream, or the immediate feeling of connection to another person that seems to transcend ordinary awareness (most commonly found in lovers, siblings, or parent-child relationships).

What about psychic dreams, past life memories, spiritual experiences like apparition sightings, or even the weird and rarely discussed weird (but GREAT!) adventures like OBEs, astral projection, and other tricky sensations? to explain that many millions of ordinary people have each year? The truth is that everyone is psychic to one degree or another…just like everyone has some artistic ability, can play the piano or do elementary math if given good instruction.

We believe that psychic information actually “LIVES” in the universe…and when you have a psychic sensation, or are able to retrieve information that is difficult to explain by traditional means, you are “tapping” this universal database of information and access ideas, events, and insights that are ALWAYS there (and that many gifted psychics, mediums, and clairvoyants see routinely).

My favorite way to test psychic sensations, intuitions, and the strange feeling that something out of the ordinary is going on?

Look for documentation.

Detail your experience.

Write it down and try to verify it after the fact.

This applies whether it happens on the fly… or if you have these kinds of psychic feelings at night, while you sleep (a very common feature of many precognitive or rare experiences).

The truth is, some of the most profound and life-changing experiences would likely be written off as luck, chance, fraud, or imagination if they weren’t written down and looked at AFTER the fact…to prove they really happened. (both to the people who experienced them and to those we told what happened too!)

Of course, talking to other psychics, mediums, clairvoyants, and empaths can be very helpful and validating as well. No one can understand what you are experiencing BETTER than other people who experience the same thing on a regular basis, and offer us insight into what we SHOULD do with these types of feelings and experiences as well.

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