Psychics in Business Series – Item 2

Psychics in Business Series – Item 2

Is there a role for psychics in the business world? My answer, of course, is yes. We provide useful insights into what lies ahead, what hidden influences will affect a set of decisions, how a business can maximize opportunity and minimize risk, and much more. I’ve worked with many commercial and professional clients over the years, and with some real results… bottom line improvements that were clearly a result of the advice I had offered. So when a young man approached me about an article he was writing about psychics in business, I agreed. However, very early in the interview, my suspicions were confirmed that his real intention was to discredit psychics in the corporate world.

Your article was recently published and I was sorry to see that I really hadn’t learned much from your research. My feeling was that he wanted to believe that there was some validity to the psychic advice. But having ruled his life, and probably especially his career, on cold hard facts, he couldn’t get over his skepticism to see psychics as anything more than interesting entertainment. Like many others who dismiss psychic advice, he will need some personal experiences to begin to appreciate the value of intuitive information. Perhaps the universe will bless him with an awakening… In the meantime, his work has inspired me to write about how psychics can really contribute to the business community.

Let me start this discussion with an important understanding. Psychics offer insight and information (input) that is useful for decision making. But I hope that we are just one of several resources that the decision maker will access before taking action. In fact, my business inquiries almost always include suggestions for some specific investigation or further investigation before a final decision is made.

“It would be one thing if business leaders were hiring psychics simply to entertain at corporate functions. They already are, along with jugglers, magicians and comedians. But CEOs aren’t asking jugglers, magicians and comedians to sit down board meetings or for their opinions on how the latest SEC regulation will affect the company, so why are they asking psychics?

When the direction of an organization depends, even in part, on the toss of a tarot card, the location of Jupiter tomorrow, or sheer intuition, good fun becomes questionable management. So it’s worth pondering: Why are paranormal executives making the new normal?

Even if psychics aren’t always right, no one else is. So what’s wrong with using every possible resource to gain additional perspective? As Danielle Daoust points out, a psychic promises nothing more than a “second opinion.” However, that doesn’t make it an educated opinion. Wouldn’t it be better if he hired a management consultant?”

These comments tickle me… A few years ago, my team was hired by a large bank to entertain a select group of their top business clients. The person who hired us was concerned that we might not be very busy, especially since we asked to be hidden in a quiet corner of the room. But after the first hour, she came back, now worried that we wouldn’t be able to read for everyone who wanted us… We were familiar with this problem… they didn’t expect us to be real, to have useful answers and ideas for them. In several instances that night, we stumbled upon some serious, and eerily similar, business problems faced by multiple executives, not realizing that we were reading for people from the same company. The next morning, the CEO of the company made a follow-up appointment. The advice we had given him was consistent with the advice we had given to other senior members of his organization, so he wanted us to put the whole picture together for him. We had seen something that he and his team of exceptionally well-paid management consultants had completely overlooked, or worse, dismissed as unimportant. With our input, they went back to the boardroom to reassess their plans, did the work and research we suggested, and were finally able to negotiate a deal that had eluded them for over a year.

It seems to me that any good executive will use all the resources at his disposal in these times… it seems very sensible to me that more and more entrepreneurs look for answers in the world of metaphysics. Psychics give them eyes in the back of their heads… we help them see the invisible. Quantum physics shows that our thoughts and feelings affect, or infect, our circumstances in life, and this applies to business as well. Science is beginning to understand how we move energy to create our lives, but until this knowledge reaches our school systems, few people are trained to study and read energy…this is where a good psychic comes in.

However, not all psychics are a good fit for a business reading. I am a college graduate with a strong business background that supports my work. I trained as an analyst and consultant in the business world at the same time that I trained as a psychic in my private life. I spent over 20 years in the corporate world, ending my career selling million dollar turnkey system solutions. My job required knowing a lot about the companies these systems were intended for. So I have an intimate understanding of how many different government agencies and companies work, and from scratch. And I’m not that unusual. I know many professionals, psychologists and entrepreneurs who quietly practice as psychics, numerologists, astrologers and healers in their private lives and many others who, like me, left a corporate career to follow their hearts in the world of metaphysics and are now well – qualified to offer psychic business advice.

Expert numerologists and astrologers can offer business executives excellent guidance when it comes to choosing the best time, name, or location for a project or business. When you combine this information with a psychic’s ability to see energy and the future, and then add all of this information to your corporate knowledge base, you will be in a position to make sound, well-informed business decisions.

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