Safety showers for people with diabetic foot problems

Safety showers for people with diabetic foot problems

Millions of Americans are affected by diabetes. If left untreated, it can lead to various complications, including foot problems. Diabetic foot problem can cause the foot to experience decreased sensation or cause the blood vessels to harden. Also, diabetes can make your feet more vulnerable to infection. The worst that can happen is that you get amputated. When a disability occurs, everyone in the family suffers. Difficulties associated with immobility and amputation include toileting, as it requires the patient to be in the tub or shower. And the bathroom can be a dangerous place for people with disabilities. For this, it is necessary to have showers for the disabled, which are specially designed for them to facilitate bathing. Handicap showers come in various sizes and features, with the goal of making bathing a relaxing experience even for people with mobility issues.

Cleanliness is next to godliness

Since diabetes makes the patient prone to infections, especially in the lower extremities, it is important to always observe proper hygiene. But if the patient has difficulty moving, how can he wash his toes and check his body for bed sores, irregular skin growth, inflammation, or blisters?

That is one of the reasons why showers for the disabled were made. The goal is to make bathing easier, safer, and more accessible for those who have difficulty moving. For example, there are portable shower cabins that can be easily installed anywhere in the house so that the patient can easily go there and take a bath. You just have to connect the hose to a faucet or any water source and then the disabled person can start washing. And since it is portable, after using it, it can be folded and stored.

An important advantage of handicapped showers is that they allow the patient to bathe alone without worrying about their safety. If you are in a wheelchair, you can take it inside and bathe while sitting down. If you can walk but with assistance, you can easily enter the accessible shower and then continue with the bath.

If the diabetic feels a tingling sensation in the feet or notices signs of swelling, call the doctor immediately, as it may be a symptom of a serious foot problem.

After washing, be sure to help the patient to thoroughly dry the feet, especially the parts between the toes to reduce the possibility of bacteria growing between them. Trim your nails as often as necessary, keep calluses or skin lesions, and be sure to put on clean socks and shoes.

The best way to prevent diabetic foot problems and other serious complications is for the patient to observe proper hygiene, especially in the lower part of the body. Be sure to check your feet regularly and if there are any signs of infection, contact a professional health care representative right away.

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