Savvy CEOs add a new vacation fringe benefit that results in a 300% productivity ROI

Savvy CEOs add a new vacation fringe benefit that results in a 300% productivity ROI

CEOs, presidents, and especially savvy business owners have found a way to strategically use their benefits package as a means to drive greater productivity and innovation, while also achieving a significant boost in morale. of the employees.

What have these savvy executives figured out that the rest haven’t? They discovered and recognized that workplace stress is directly related to lower productivity, increased turnover, workers’ compensation claims, and increasing health insurance due to stress-related expenses and added a vacation benefit offered by Rovia called DreamTrips to its corporate benefits program. allowing your employees the opportunity to take incredible vacations at even more incredible prices.

These forward thinking decision makers understood that they would benefit from these six critical points:

productivity. Independent studies indicate that employers can expect that for every dollar they spend on vacation benefits, they will get three dollars in exchange for increased productivity.

Recovery reduces medical expenses. World-class athletes around the world realized that recovery was just as important, if not more so, than intense training and a personalized diet. Without proper recovery, the body and mind cannot function at higher levels and will eventually break down. Common sense dictates that employers must be proactive in the well-being of their employees.

Innovation. Being exposed to different cultures and new changes of scenery often shifts the mind towards innovative thinking and inspires significant breakthroughs. What does a good idea or a new product mean for the results of your company?

Loyalty. Almost all companies claim that their people are their best asset. Very few actually show it. A vacation benefits package creates loyalty and appreciation like you’ve never seen a company before and gives the company a head start for talent acquisition.

Prestige. When a company offers a unique, high-quality benefit, the entire organization is perceived better. Leaders have the opportunity to get a leg up on the competition and have a head start on talent acquisition.

Sense of value. When a company expresses appreciation for a job well done by offering a vacation benefits package, it enhances their relationship with the employee. The employee gains a sense of self-worth in the process.

With the economy showing signs of improvement, savvy business leaders are using this exceptional new fringe benefit to their greatest advantage by showing their employees they’ve been appreciated.

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