Lifestyle Fashion

Strange addictions of the modern age

These 10 addictions are strange products of the modern age.

1. Exercise addiction – Exercise is healthy, but too much can break down muscles and weaken the body. Excessive exercise can also cause serious social problems. People addicted to exercise also often suffer from eating disorders.

2. Internet addiction – Whether it’s on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or your favorite blogs and news sites, your time on the Internet can go by faster than you think. For some people, the inability to separate from the computer can lead to Internet addiction disorder.

3. Love addiction – Being infatuated can cause an increase in a certain neurological chemical that gives a feeling of euphoria. Some people become addicted to that feeling, unable to let go of a lover until they fall in love with someone else. Everything else in your life suffers as a result.

4. Oniomania (shopping addiction) – Shopping addiction is another product of the business age and is often associated with depression. Shopaholics cannot control their compulsive shopping habits, leading to serious financial repercussions.

5. Addiction to plastic surgery – For those who can afford it, plastic surgery can become addictive. Negative body image is a big problem, especially for women, and those who strive for perfection can devastate their bodies in the process.

6. Sex addiction – It is normal to have sexual desires for other people, even when you are married, but acting on those desires without control can be a sign of sex addiction. The subject rose to fame through the recent Tiger Woods scandals. The golfer sought treatment for his addiction.

7. “Tanorexia” (tanning addiction) – The idea of ​​a tanning addiction may sound funny, but it’s actually quite dangerous. Medical experts agree on the dangers of tanning beds, including an increased risk of skin cancer. The endorphins released by UV rays can be very harmful when the tanner cannot be stopped.

8. Teeth whitening addiction – Teeth whitening addicts have made their teeth so white they can practically be seen from space, and they have also made whitening products extremely profitable. Overuse can lead to dental problems, such as bleeding gums and hypersensitivity.

9. Television addiction – This is a truly modern addiction, in which the viewer cannot stop sitting and staring at the screen. These people share symptoms with other addicts, such as helplessness and anger at the idea of ​​giving up their addiction.

10. Work addiction – In today’s business world, there is the idea that “time is money”. Some people take this notion so seriously that they work too hard. As a result, their relationships and their health suffer, sometimes even to the point of death.

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