Strength Training For Beginners – Tired Of Calisthenics Already?
Health Fitness

Strength Training For Beginners – Tired Of Calisthenics Already?

Strength training for beginners can be fraught with many misconceptions. You may think that after 6 months you will look like a fitness model with rippling muscles across your chest, back, and biceps, legs like tree trunks, and a washboard waist. Then you think about it some more and you think, “No, that’s not going to happen so soon. I’ll train really hard and I’ll do it for about two years. Yeah, that’s it. I’ll do whatever it takes for two years.” hard training using this or that method I heard about and then I’ll take it easy with my beach body. By that time I’ll be strong and defined and so amazing.”

Wait a minute, Slick. Strength is a skill. Many people who are enthusiastic about getting stronger and building muscle sometimes have the same mindset as those who want to get rich quick by investing in real estate or Forex. Resistance training is no different. Many times those who weight train get a bad rap for being just a bunch of “gym rats” who live in the gym and drag their knuckles across the floor, but in many ways it’s no different than learning physical skills like karate, sailing or mountaineering. Strength training experience is equivalent to becoming proficient in many other physical disciplines, as it takes about two years to become good and about five years to become an expert. You need to have your nutrition figured out because muscles aren’t made out of thin air. You will need to religiously set aside time for a regular training program. You would do well to constantly educate yourself on how the body works in terms of human kinetics and you should keep an open mind to try new things.

Muscles are not made from nothing

Years ago, when I was browsing exercise books in a bookstore, as I sometimes regularly do, I came across a book that said that muscles really don’t need anything to grow and get stronger except exercise. The author even made some kind of statement that he could even eat only sweets for his nutrition, but as long as he pumped iron, his muscles would grow. I wish I had remembered the title of that book and the author, but I forgot. Your body needs certain amounts of macronutrients like protein, carbohydrates, and fat to progress at an optimal level. Do you know which are the highest quality foods to meet your body’s macronutrient needs?

Training regularly is like a religion.

All weight lifting programs work, but they have a peculiar requirement: you have to do each one for a certain period of time and on a regular basis. You can’t train once in a while when you feel like it and expect great results. If you went to a gym and randomly started doing exercises like incline bench presses for your chest, shoulders, and triceps, rowing and curls for your biceps, and squats for your legs, and then for the next month you did running cardio every day. days without any weight training, there would be absolutely no progress. You need to follow a workout routine and keep track of how much weight you are handling along with the reps and sets. You must develop the mentality of an athlete in training.

There is more than a few things to learn about physiology and the science of body movement.

Do you know which skeletal muscles perform what types of movements? Do you know the difference between abducting an arm or a leg and moving towards the body? The concentric part of a lift is the part where the target muscle contracts; the eccentric part of the lift is when it is lengthening (stretching). Did you know that slow eccentric movements, with moderate to heavy weights, are the cause of late-onset muscle soreness?

How much weight is used in training? How many repetitions should you perform? If you learned and knew which muscles move in which directions and how many pounds of weight to use to get certain results, you wouldn’t always be following the latest workout you read about, you’d be designing your own. You will need to learn the proper weight lifting exercises to get certain results from your sessions.

There is no one way to always train

There’s more than one way to weight train than you can shake off, even when it comes to beginner strength training. Beware of anyone who tells you that this way or that is the only way to strength train. After training with weights for a while, your motor units (motor neurons and muscle fibers) will adapt very quickly to your last workout, which means you need to switch exercises every two to three months to keep making progress.

There are also different ways to lift depending on your goals. You can’t train for maximum strength and cut or tear yourself at the same time. Each goal requires a different way of training. For example, compare powerlifting to bodybuilding: Powerlifters train to become brutally strong, and they tend to end up looking like muscular farm boys. Bodybuilders tend to have bigger muscles than weightlifters, but they are generally not as strong because they train for hypertrophy (the enlargement of the size of muscle cells).


Anything is hard at first before you get familiar with it and if you are a beginner every weight training routine will initially seem daunting. Before you buy a set of dumbbells and a flat bench to workout at home or buy a gym membership, it might be best to start by doing only bodyweight exercises with reps and sets. Most beginner strength training programs begin with bodyweight exercises. In this way, you would slowly immerse yourself in a typical strength training scheme. So if you think you are compatible with this type of exercise, it would be time for you to challenge yourself more and then put the weights on it.

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