Health Fitness

Superset Workouts: Lose Fat with Supersets and Trisets

The biggest excuse people say for not exercising is lack of time. This is due to the belief that you must train for 90 minutes a day in an expensive gym, or buy some expensive equipment or a DVD set to get in shape. That is not true.

How to exercise faster

The key to exercising quickly is to improve the density of your workout. The concept of density training is very simple: do more work in a given period of time, or do a given amount of work faster than you have before. Of course, the “work” we are talking about here is exercise.

The benefits

The biggest benefit of density training is that you can complete your training in a shorter period of time. This is extremely useful for busy professionals who don’t have more than an hour per week to train.

Another advantage of density training is that it allows you to lose fat and build muscle with relatively light to moderate weights. The point is to pack more work into a given period of time, thereby increasing intensity and overload without having to increase weight.

For example, let’s say you squat 200 pounds for 10 reps, resting 2 minutes per set. Reduce the rest period to 90 seconds and go through the workout. The weight will feel harder because your body is more fatigued. Your body doesn’t really know how much weight it is lifting. Your body only knows that there is something there that it cannot lift because it is tired, and the only way to move that object is to get bigger and stronger.

The program

Two methods of improving its density are supersets and trisets. Supersets are simply two exercises that are performed in a row without a break. They have also been called couplets and compound sets. Trisets are three exercises that are performed back to back without rest, and are also known as triplets.

Let’s put this theory into practice. Suppose you have one hour to exercise throughout the week. Let’s divide that hour per week into four sessions per week. This means that each session cannot last more than 15 minutes. Here is a training program that uses supersets and trisets:

Monday Thursday:

Act as a superset:
Hindu push-ups 3 × 10
Bodyweight Squats 3×20
Act as Triset:
2 × 10 kettlebell swings
Kettlebell Front Squat 2×10
Push Push 2 × 10

Tuesday Friday:

Act as a superset:
3 × 10 burpees
3 × 5 pull-ups
Act as Triset:
Push with kettlebell 2×10
2×10 Kettlebell Windmill
Sumo Deadlift High Pull 2 ​​× 10

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