The rumor about methyldrene ATP
Health Fitness

The rumor about methyldrene ATP

What is methyldrene ATP?

For starters, Methyldrene ATP is classified as a pre-workout energy drink. Some would say that this product is the main rival to jack3d, while others choose it as an alternative. What makes Methyldrene ATP so great is the blend of geranium and caffeine.

Geranium is a plant that is commonly grown for regular pharmaceuticals, with caffeine being the stimulant commonly found in coffee, teats, soft drinks, etc.

What all of that means is that you get a boost of energy. Which is always good, especially for the last few reps, a great way to break through training plateaus.

In terms of dosage; for those new to Methyldrene, one tablespoon should do the trick. If you are used to taking pre-workout shakes or have a high tolerance, then 2 scoops may better suit your needs.

The correct way is to consume 1 scoop in water and consume 30 minutes before training on an empty stomach. For those with a sensitive stomach, your usual pre-workout meal would be ideal here.

What’s in there?

Methyldrene ATP also comes with “Dosage Suggestions” Taken exactly from the product:

1 Scoop – Dialed In2 Scoops – Volumizing3 Scoops – Breaking Records Turning Heads

For those curious about the ingredients, the following was taken from the label:

Amount Per Serving: Methyldrene ATP Extreme-Intensity Matrix 4200mg

Ultra pure creatine monohydrate (as Creapure)

L-arginine (as HCl)



L-leucine (LEU)

Caffeine Beta-Alanine


Dimethylaminoethanol (as Bitartrate)

(DMAE) Phenylethylamine HCl (BETA-P)

1,3-Dimethylamylamine (from Geranium (stem))

Cyclic adenosine alpha-glycerophosphocholine monophosphate (cAMP) Schizandra Berry Powder

Other Ingredients: Citric Acid, Malic Acid, Acesulfame Potassium, Natural and Artificial Flavor, Sucralose,

You can also expect nitric oxide effects from taking Methyldrene ATP. When we talk about nitric oxide we think of having a muscle pump. The only interesting thing about methyldrene is the amino acids (arginine, L-arginine)


In summary Methyldrene ATP it is a great product to take especially for pre-workout enthusiasts. I would suggest taking this after a light meal 30 minutes before working out. If you are used to pre-made energy drinks like: Superpump Max from Gaspari or the very popular Jack3d from USP Laboratories; then trying Methyldrene wouldn’t hurt.

Keep that in mind the next time you go to your local sports nutrition store. If you don’t have it, ask for it. Now keep enjoying your Methyldrene and show your followers that you mean business.

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