The Secret of Network Marketers – Facebook

The Secret of Network Marketers – Facebook

The basic concept of marketing is connecting the right person or buyer with the right product. Succeeding in this approach is what makes currency pass from person to person. With social media, this marketing strategy has never been more powerful, ever.

Today, marketing methods through print, broadcast, and other disruptive advertising methods have become “old school.” Traditional media have a wide reach for a marketer; however, the waste is just as high. Also that it is almost impossible to truly target your audience effectively as a marketer in the “old school” methods.

But then the Internet introduces social networks and Web 2.0. This revolution is revolutionizing everything in the world of marketing. Now anyone can provide highly targeted content to the masses with very little effort.

This explosion in social networks is mainly due to a few reasons:

The power is now available to both the client and the marketer alike to distribute content as they wish. In the past it has always been with the media or vendors.

Today, the user can fully customize the medium and can also create pretty much any content they want.

Opinions are free and fair. This is one of the reasons why social media is of great concern to marketers, as purchasing decisions are no longer influenced as much by ads. The traditional word-of-mouth marketing approach has grown by leaps and bounds on social media.

At the center of it all you will find Facebook. With 500 million (and growing) unique users around the world, Facebook is the number one social networking site in terms of users and activity.

The Facebook user interface makes it very easy to create custom fan pages and groups with a few minor steps. Many believe that this has contributed to its extreme popularity. Another reason is social apps that continue to develop at a fast pace. These apps can allow users to play games together, share web links, videos, and photos, just to name a few.

How does Facebook help a seller?

First, it is very easy for a seller to communicate and get to know their friends better, but also others in groups who have similar interests. Then the second, and even more powerful, is your ability to advertise. Much like Google Ads, but much more targeted. With Google, the focus was on keywords, but with Facebook it’s with similar likes and interests and demographics. Oh, and at a much lower cost per ad.

Another aspect of Facebook for sellers is the use of fan pages. These fan pages can be used to promote a person, a brand or a company. And the only thing about Fan Pages is that the “fans” have selected or opted for that Fan Page. So you have a very captive audience as a seller.

What makes Facebook truly the strongest medium for marketers today is the way it allows you to target your communications directly to the segment of customers you want to attract. There are many different ways to maximize your exposure to your target market, allowing you to capitalize on the use of this social medium.

The other side of the coin is that the target market also has the ability to provide immediate feedback on your marketing efforts. This could be a thumbs up or thumbs down, not to mention a sincere comment of thanks or dissatisfaction.

Still, Facebook is the leader in social networking and I am confident that it will be for some time. If you are a marketer, it is in your best interest to master this medium and maximize your potential to financially exploit your business.

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