The sesame open technique

The sesame open technique

Think about how much smoother your life would have been right now if you had been able to overcome your resistance to all the things you didn’t want to feel, do, or think. You know the feeling of resistance, it’s the biting-in-your-heels feeling that gets in the way of just about everything you don’t want to do…and also gets in the way of everything you really do want. Consider all the ways you can sabotage yourself when it comes to money, sex, love, relationships, work, career, or even vacations. We are nothing but good self-saboteurs!

Learn this simple and profound way of looking at things called sesame open technique and you will have a tool that has helped my clients for years. It’s all done in your head and it literally opens doors you would have kept closed. Think that you will like it and you will get many rewards by using it.

The magic words are really simple. You say to yourself, “I’m open to” and add whatever your honest and real feeling is about something that makes you feel stuck. Let’s take a few examples to make things really clear. You really don’t want to go to your family’s house for dinner (we guess). That is what is really going on inside of you right now. You are tense, irritated, looking for an excuse… you know the procedure. So, in your head you repeat the idea: “I am open to NOT wanting to go to dinner at my family’s house”. That is what you silently consider in your mind a couple of times. What happens? Everything! You relax in your body. You relax your control over the idea by jumping over your internal resistance. You feel better and get almost instant clarity on the subject.

Either you go to dinner or you don’t. But you have benefited greatly from thinking about it in this simple way. The inner relaxation that comes from honesty without resistance is quite amazing.

Let’s consider some more emotionally charged topics you can try this on:

“I’m open to being upset with my boss.”

“I’m open to secretly wanting someone I feel like I shouldn’t.”

“I’m open to feeling so tired I might as well take a nap at work.”

“I’m open to being more loving even though I’m not in the mood right now.”

“I’m open to how uncomfortable my body feels right now.”

“I’m open to how angry I feel towards my loved ones.”

“I’m open to being rude to strangers in traffic.”

“I’m open to NOT doing what everyone wants me to do.”

“I am open to my current sadness, pain and depression.”

“I’m open to finding a way out of my pain after enjoying it for a while.”

“I’m open to feeling as dumb and loveless as I am right now.”

Try on the size if any of them ring true and remember the formula that makes this work. You are choosing to be open to ANY and ALL honest, true and accurate thoughts about how you feel. You are not trying to change, cover up, or manipulate reality. That’s a big part of what makes this work so well. You are “telling it like it is” to yourself and choosing to be open to it right now.

Remember that you can choose to be open to something horrible in this moment (such as hurt, anger, or even anger) and in the next moment choose to be open to changing it or doing any of a thousand things with it. You are not caught up in the feeling, ever. It’s good to remember that fact as you build your sesame open technique statement.

The other thing to keep in mind is that you can get great value by talking about this out loud. I do and my clients too. But do it in private. When you are with others, do it mentally; works fine either way. And if you want to repeat them three, five, fifteen or even twenty times, that’s fine too. You will find the way that best suits your needs.

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