The Swimmer’s Ear Bible – How To Recognize Symptoms, Avoid Infections And Swim Pain-Free!
Lifestyle Fashion

The Swimmer’s Ear Bible – How To Recognize Symptoms, Avoid Infections And Swim Pain-Free!


Swimmer’s ear, known as acute external otitis or otitis externa, is common among swimmers and those who participate in other water sports. The condition is an infection of the thin skin lining of the ear canal, usually by a gram-negative bacteria called Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Water can get trapped in the ear canal when swimming. This water quickly becomes a desirable breeding ground for bacteria. Impediments in the ear canal, including wax, cysts, and bony growths, increase the likelihood of water becoming trapped in the ear. The infection can affect one or both ears simultaneously. Swimmer’s ear is usually easily treated. Prompt treatment of swimmer’s ear usually clears the infection and may limit the development of more serious complications.


It is important to remember that swimmer’s ear is an infection. Symptoms commonly start out mild, but if left untreated, the infection will spread and can cause serious consequences.

mild infection

  1. mild discomfort
  2. Slight reddening of the skin in the ear canal
  3. Itchy ear canal
  4. Some drainage of odorless fluid

moderate infection

  1. Pain that worsens when moving the outer ear
  2. Severe pain when pushing the lump in front of the ear
  3. Redness of the skin Excessive drainage of pus fluid
  4. Sensation of fullness in the ear
  5. Diminished or muffled hearing

serious infection

  1. severe bread
  2. Redness or swelling of the outer ear
  3. Swelling in the ear or lymph nodes in the neck
  4. Flaky or peeling skin of the outer ear


Any sign or symptom of swimmer’s ear, no matter how minor, warrants an immediate visit to a medical professional. With severe pain or fever, seek immediate medical attention. Treatment in a clinic or hospital may involve creating an acidic environment inside the ear with ear drops. Gram-negative bacteria cannot thrive in acidic environments. If an inflammatory response is detected, antibiotics will most likely be prescribed.


stay dry

Thoroughly dry the outer ears with a soft towel after each bath or shower. Tilt your head to one side to drain the water from the ear canal.

Dry your ears with a hair dryer if you put it on the It is also safe to dry your ears with a hair dryer on the lowest setting keeping the dryer a foot away.

natural remedy

Make sure your eardrum is not damaged before you start using this remedy. A simple mixture of 1 part isopropyl alcohol and 1 part white vinegar has been shown to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi that cause infections. Put 1 teaspoon of the remedy in each ear and let it drain.

swim clean

Do not swim in contaminated water. A lake is likely to have a higher concentration of bacteria than a well-maintained pool.

do not insert

Do not insert anything into the ear canal to remove wax, such as a cotton swab, paper clip, or bobby pin. Remove wax if necessary with a wax removal kit.


Wear earplugs when you swim.

Avoid chemicals, such as hair products, that irritate the ears, or put cotton balls in the ears when applying these products.

Protect your ears from the cold by wearing the proper cold weather gear.

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