Lifestyle Fashion

Top 10 Secrets of Profitable Wedding Fairs

Top 10 Secrets to Making Wedding Fairs Work

  1. Preparation
    The good (or bad, depending on how you look at it) about wedding fairs is that they are incredibly unpredictable. You never know how many people are going to show up and of those who do, you never know how many brides will be in that important shopping mood! Because of this element of doubt, you should approach each wedding fair as if it were your first: packing the car the night before, being careful when installing, arriving early, and staying until the end. Not only that, but try to approach all the people who approach with the same enthusiasm, after all, you never know which person is going to give you a really large order!
  2. Body language
    When I walk through wedding fairs, I am always appalled at how many people actually repel customers with their body language. If you are standing or sitting with your arms and legs crossed, you are creating a subconscious barrier between yourself and potential customers, and if you are sitting behind a table then you are telling people to come in. So think about what you’re saying with your body language: don’t fiddle with your phone, don’t eat your sandwiches, stand in front of and to the side of your booth with open, welcoming postures.
  3. Interact with people
    How to involve brides in wedding fairs? What is your opening line? Do you choose the most common opener of “Have you already booked your photographer (insert something else)? The bride answers no and they keep walking, right? Or do you go along the line ‘When are you getting married?” Both are disasters, you have to start with an opening line that makes them say yes and makes them realize what you can do for them. When it comes to marketing, you always have to put yourself in the position of the customer and answer the question “What’s in it for me?” Make sure they say Yes up front and don’t just tell them you’re a photographer, tell them what their photography can do to enhance their day and how you can make it even more perfect.
  4. Generate cables
    What is the purpose of attending the wedding fair for you? Are you hoping to accept reservations during the day or just hand out brochures? If you don’t think about your goal for the day, you won’t achieve anything at all! Depending on the value of your service, you really should be looking for potential customers only, and the more expensive your service is, the more likely this is. Gather potential clients from interested brides, and then you can kick-start your conversion strategies and convert them into paying clients, this will make your wedding fairs much more profitable and they will feel much less like a full day of selling, selling, selling. , which is always a detour for brides.
  5. Registration list
    Most wedding fairs require the bride to sign in at the gate and this list is passed on to the vendor, until you really have your wedding fair skills honed you would avoid spending money on fairs where this doesn’t happen! I’m always amazed at how many vendors don’t actually do anything with this registration list, but this is really some very valuable information. If you have directions, make sure you mail all the brides, don’t just send them your brochure, they probably picked it up anyway, do something different, like send them a handwritten note. If you have email addresses, please send a nice, personal email (personally, I don’t expect you to write each one individually, but rather use your name and make the tone personal).
  6. Tracing
    Continuing with what you did with the previous step, now you need to contact people again! Oh no, I hear you cry! Well, once I tell you that it takes an average of seven contacts before someone does business with you, then you’ll see why you have to move on. The types of contact can be varied, after all, you have met them at the wedding fair, (that is once) you have contacted them (that is twice), so you need to keep in touch, you can do this by sending newsletters , telling them about blogs, etc. But keep in touch You will be surprised when I tell you that most people give up after asking for the deal once, and fade every time the contact is needed to such an extent that when you have made those 7 contacts, you will be one of the Few people still get in touch with them, which means YOU and not your competition will get the business. Keep in mind that only 2% of business is done at the kickoff meeting. two% !!! So if you trust business from the initial meetings, you are missing out on huge potential sales!
  7. If you can sell something, do …
    One way to immediately make your day profitable is to sell something that day. You may think this is difficult if you are a florist or photographer, but use a little ingenuity and imagination. You are an expert in your field, how about putting your knowledge down on paper? If you’re a photographer, you could put together a nice little book that tells people how to get the most out of their wedding photos; They will not only be able to see that you are an expert, but also when they come to book, if they have. you bought it, then most likely they will make the reservation for you. You can self-publish small books online very easily from companies like
  8. Professional / appropriate appearance
    When at a wedding fair you must treat it as if you are about to meet your most valuable customer, don’t show up in your most scruffy jeans and shorts just because that’s what you usually wear on Sundays, make an effort and see the people you see. you will see him as the professional that he is.
  9. Announce where you will be
    Make sure to let people know when you are hosting a wedding fair. Keep a list of those who will attend and if people like your work, they will take care of it and come to see you. Also advertise the wedding fair as much as you can using your Twitter, Facebook, and whatever other local marketing you are doing. The more people who see you, the more you can collect their information and the more likely you are to convert them to paying customers.
  10. Network
    When at wedding shows there will be the inevitable downtime in the late afternoon and while the fashion shows are taking place. Use this time wisely and visit fellow exhibitors to not only look at their booths for advice, but also to chat and network with them. Try not to think of your competition as a direct threat, but rather as people with whom you can brainstorm, someone with whom you can also pass referrals, and someone with whom you can form alliances and affiliates. Use the same philosophy you use with your clients and let them know ‘what’s in it for me’ People will be happy to refer you and network with you if they believe your clients will gain added value through this relationship.

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