TRIZ – Nesting Doll

TRIZ – Nesting Doll

The Nested Doll principle is generally applied in one of two ways:

1. Place one object inside another; place each object, in turn, inside the other.

Ouch Measuring cups or spoons

2. Pass one part through a cavity in the other

ouch An extendable radio antenna

Bill Gates and the Nutty Boys

Perhaps the most obvious application of the Nested Doll lens is Microsoft Windows. Windows has built a monopoly-like empire on this principle. Windows, as its name implies, is simply windows within windows within windows. There are multiple screens that you can see inside a computer. Each window is “nested” inside another window.

Retractable presentation pointers are also an example of a Nested Doll application. The pointer is actually several pointers, one inside the other. The design allows the pointer to extend and retract so the user can point to a chart or PowerPoint slide on the wall while standing a few feet away.

Another company, Nutty Guys, a Salt Lake City-based nut distribution company, greatly expanded its business into an independent grocery store. The company offers 275 varieties of nuts, seeds, candied nuts, trail mixes and nut products. The founders, two college buddies, built a creative display rack to market their product, essentially creating a store within a store.

Similarly, there are several nested applications within the Internet that are examples of a single product nested within an existing product or system. Netflix is ​​an independent company that operates and relies entirely on the Internet. Skype is also nested within the network. Skype uses Voice Over IP (VOIP) technology that allows users to make phone calls using only their Internet connection. With unlimited calling for $30 a year, they generate a ton of word of mouth.

When looking at your business or product through the Nested Doll lens, ask yourself, “How can I place one object inside another to improve efficiency or make my product easier to use?” You may be surprised at the creative ideas you’ll discover.

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