Health Fitness

Weight loss and the reptilian brain

Everyone has a reptilian brain. The reptilian brain is made up of the upper part of the spinal cord and the basal ganglia, diencephalon, and parts of the midbrain, all of which sit on the spinal column as a bulge in the middle of the head.

What does this have to do with weight loss? Maybe nothing physically, but conceptually it does. Possibly even in the physical sense as well. We are ancient creatures and as we have become modern man we have developed some strange beliefs and behaviors. Exercise is one of the strangest.

Weight loss can be affected by exercise, but not in the way you think. Our natural bodies are designed to process food and regulate our weight based on the food supply and the quality of that food. Our efforts to obtain these foods are carried out through movement, as it has been for thousands of years. But although we have continued through the ages, man did not run for miles, nor did he swing from tree to tree for an hour and then go out looking for food.

Our biology has been, and continues to be, that with moderate movement and the right types of food in the right amounts, the body will regulate its optimal weight without unnecessary crazy exercise. This is where I think the reptilian brain comes in and affects us. Some believe that the reptilian brain has to do with behavior. I think it goes beyond that. Since it is part of the nervous system, it affects our entire system.

So where am I going with this? To show you how I lost 100 pounds without any exercise. I have written on many subjects, but never on myself. It is time, because I want to share my story with you. This will be important if you have to lose a few extra pounds or a lot of weight. I am a shining example of what can be achieved without exercise.

Exercise can, sometimes and many times, impede your weight loss. But when you try to lose weight, you normally reduce your caloric intake. at the same time you are punishing your body and muscle tissue, trying to burn calories. You are sending a mixed message to your body. It is telling you to use the fuel it gives you in the form of food to fuel your movement and thus burn calories, eliminating the fat that is an integral part of your body. And at the same time, you’re reducing that very fuel that’s telling your body that it needs an efficient fat-burning machine. The two conflicting ideas cause bodily confusion. You really don’t know what to do. All of this affects the reptilian brain, which I believe tells your body to slow down while trying to figure out what’s going on in you.

This is where I come in and clear up the confusion. Once I realized this, I was able to eliminate exercise, eat the right foods and lots of them, and subsequently lose 100 pounds in just 8 months. I did this while at the same time suffering from extreme heart failure. My body was fighting more problems than it could handle and yet it worked. I was on something.

The bottom line is that I didn’t do any exercise. Don’t even go out and walk around the neighborhood. I just stuck to the plan and the weight loss was phenomenal. The weight seemed to vanish. So how do you do it?

I don’t have enough space or time here to fully explain it. That is why it is very important to check my signature box. The path to information can be found there. You can exercise your butt and fight while trying to lose weight, or you can sit back, eat and not starve, and watch those unwanted pounds just melt away. It’s your choice. I can almost guarantee you that with exercise your reptilian brain will fight you the entire way.

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