What do web developers actually do?
Digital Marketing

What do web developers actually do?

The common man often finds it difficult to draw a clear distinction between web developers and web designers and often treats them as one. This confusion arises mainly from the fact that in most organizations the same person will be deploying the functions of both. Although you can squeeze these totally different roles into one person, the fact remains that developers can do web design, but imperfectly.

Web developers: who are they really?

A web developer is a software developer or software engineer who specializes in the act of creating and maintaining high-end websites. the developers have experience developing World Wide Web applications and their skills are broader than that of a webmaster. They should be able to do flawless web development and there are many areas involved in it. His work ranges from developing various scripting languages, web applications, building a website from scratch, generating code for web pages, etc.

Contrary to the common misconception, developers require knowledge beyond HTML. They must have a proficient understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, PHP, Ruby and other higher programming languages. To generate code for web pages, web developers must have experience using some of the development tools, such as Dreamweaver, FrontPage, GoLive, or Visual Interdev. They are the people behind creating a bottom-up web presence with the needs and desires of the particular customer in mind. From the home page to the design and function of the site, his magical hands are seen everywhere. In a concise term, developers are those who set multiple rules to push and maintain systems.

In addition to creating the right script according to the client’s requirements, developers should be able to create a website design to cater to the target market. This is the deciding factor behind the success of a website. The website should be dynamic in nature to help in promoting the brand. Developers must be able to develop fully functional websites and ensure the interoperability of websites to allow proper functionality regardless of the browser used.

Developers must also ensure that the websites they develop offer easy navigation with logically placed information, easy access to specific products, and a user-friendly and visually appealing design. They are important to keep customers. Web developers must also ensure that the website supports the products and services well and generates more business for the client.

Designers specialize in the overall design of pages and graphics, which are most apparent to the end user. The truth is that it is beneficial if the Web development they are also well acquainted with some aspects of graphics editing packages, as they may have to use them when developing web pages.

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