What is an online newsletter used for?
Digital Marketing

What is an online newsletter used for?

An online newsletter (often known as an email newsletter or enews) is used to communicate with a group of interested people, in the same way that a printed newsletter is used. These stakeholders may be potential buyers of a product or service (gift shops, furniture stores, online tutoring, wine, restaurant, clothing or craft stores, for example) or members of an organization (charities, college alumni , environmental groups, libraries, political parties, etc.) The list is endless!

The difference between an online newsletter and a print newsletter (the kind sent through the US mail) is that an online newsletter is easier to read, can provide readers with links to websites and other material interesting, and reaches the reader’s email. Inbox, where most people now look for the information that interests them.

So we could also say that an online newsletter is not only a tool to communicate with a group of interested people, but also to capture their attention and reinforce their loyalty and commitment. If, for example, your business sells fine wines in a suburban city, your monthly online newsletter will help you stay in touch with your customers on a monthly basis.

When customers wonder where to buy their next bottle of wine, it’s probably on their mind. And because your online newsletter not only tells them about discounts or special offers, but also educates them about different types of wine and how to tell the difference, they feel a connection with you and know that you know what you’re talking about.

Now, it’s true that you could send postcards every month to these same customers (and potential customers). But postcards, while they have a place, can be very expensive, given the costs of paper, printing and postage. And postcards and other types of printed mailings can get lost in the daily clutter of mail delivery.

Online newsletters, on the other hand, don’t cost you anything in postage, paper, or printing. And if the recipient doesn’t want to read them, they’re easily removed, without cluttering the lobby. At the same time, they make it possible for the reader to respond to you immediately, with a purchase order or a volunteer commitment.

Online newsletters are definitely a powerful and easy to use tool to build your community, be it buyers or members.

Copyright (c) 2010 Jane Sherwin. You may reprint this entire article and must include copyright information and the following statement: “Jane Sherwin is a writer who helps hospitals and other healthcare facilities communicate her strengths and connect with her readers.” .

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