
What is not right in the life coaching industry?

How many people do you know who took a life coaching course in hopes of starting their own cushy little life coaching business? The lifestyle looks great. Nice clothes, meeting at a cafe at noon, you become the ultimate guru showing people how to be successful and how to create the greatest breakthrough in life… and after watching some Tony Robbin videos on YouTube, you start to think to yourself: “hey, I can do this!”… yes, everyone wants to be a life coach. Now back to reality. The reality is that most ‘life coaches’ are not in the business. Why is that? What happened to the amazing “free your mind…drive to success” concepts you just learned in the 53 week + $3000 course?

When a life coach graduates and comes back to reality, he begins to realize that this “life coach business” is not that simple. The cool concepts and words learned in the life coaching course are really uplifting, but from there to turning it into a business, it’s a long way.

Most people find it hard to accept advice from a life coach who hasn’t been there or done anything himself. It’s like a single man who becomes a marriage consultant.

And now that?

I am not a life coach, I am a marketer. I am often approached by life coaches for help with their websites and each time I see the same content and information. As if they took your course notes and pasted them onto their websites.

But get this: I always find that every life coach is knowledgeable and an expert in a certain area/topic. This is where the business is, my fellow life coaches… NICHE your business!

Life Coaching, if done right, can be a very profitable business. If you’re not using the web to grow your business and create a niche market, you may be out of business before you know it.

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