What to do with the “secret”
Tours Travel

What to do with the “secret”

By now, I’m sure everyone has heard of “The Secret,” the book and video that was shown on Oprah, among other places. Basically, it applies to the Law of Attraction: whatever you focus your attention on will manifest in your life. That includes anything good or bad. What you focus on appears.

I watched Tony Robbins at a seminar and he had a fun exercise to prove it. He told the crowd, “Look around the room right now and find all the brown in the room. Find everything brown. Find the brown, find the brown, find me all the brown.”

So everyone started looking around, thinking, “Oh hey, that guy is brown. My shoes are brown. The floor tiles are brown. The chairs are brown.”

Tony kept saying, “Find all the brown. Look where all the brown is. Find me brown.”

People were having fun, looking for all the brown things they could see, maybe even counting how many they found.

Then Tony said, “Okay, stop. Now everyone raise your hand and tell me how much red you noticed.”

They all laughed. No one had noticed any red because we weren’t looking for red. We were looking for brown. We didn’t even notice any red.

Tony said, “Okay, now look around the room and find all the red. Find all the red. Find all the red.”

This time we all searched for everything that was colored red and guess what? We found many things that were colored red. What we focused our attention on suddenly appeared. Now, obviously, the red objects were there all along, but until we started consciously looking for the color red, we didn’t even pay attention to it.

The same goes for anything you want to manifest in your life. Those opportunities, people, or whatever, may have been there all along, but until you focus your attention on noticing them, you won’t notice them.

Now, while that doesn’t surprise anyone right now, what a lot of people don’t do is take the next step.

The next step is to act on what appears in your life, what you have attracted to you. It is not enough to simply notice the opportunities that present themselves. You have to “act” if you want it to make any difference in your life.

Let’s say you want to attract the man or woman of your dreams into your life. Well, you focus your attention on attracting a particular type of man or woman to you (He/she is this tall, has this dyed hair, has a great sense of humor, is this age, etc.). Then one day there he or she is! She is here in your office! The perfect woman for you (or man).

Well, don’t just sit there like an idiot. Do something! Go and talk to him or her. Make a move!

Look, it’s not enough to attract what you want into your life if you don’t act. So, as powerful as the Law of Attraction is, it’s useless if you don’t do anything about it.

That goes for anything you want in your life, including business opportunities, travel opportunities, adventure opportunities, or whatever.

If you want to attract something into your life, focus on it, but then be ready to take the next step, which is to take action!

I’m Farley Drake and that’s my two cent worth.

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