What you seek also seeks you
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What you seek also seeks you

For the last five years on NBC’s DAYTIME I did a segment called “Reality Check”… Every week I would take live calls and deal with viewers’ problems. Regardless of the problem, the dynamic was always the same when people felt trapped. Whether it’s an emotionally abusive relationship, hating your job, having problems with your boss, or being in debt, when people feel trapped—that is, they keep doing the same things that don’t work over and over again—they often feel like victims. They ask me, why does all this happen to me?, and I answer them, because what happened to me did not happen to you. We all have our things and nobody’s things are better or worse than others. It’s that mine is mine and yours is yours. If it happened to you, it belongs to you, so you might as well accept full responsibility for it, although sometimes you may not be able to fully understand it.

When you refuse to take full responsibility for what is happening to you, you will feel like a victim. And by feeling like a victim, you literally give up your power. So the reason you have to take full responsibility for where you are right now, not 50%, not 90%, but 100%, is because when you take 100% responsibility for being here now, in that very moment, you immediately regain your power and know that you also have all the power to create the life you want. The same way you have created this life is the exact way you can create the life you want, that is, if you are willing to do things differently.

We all know that when our lives don’t work out and we keep doing the same things we’ve always done, we’ll get the same results. Remember, time does not pass anything. It is not positive or negative, but rather a neutral backdrop against which we live our lives. Over time, things become more than they already are: good things get better and bad things get worse.

Our life is like a big jet plane that has all this propulsion behind it. It goes at full speed in one direction and has a life of its own. That’s what brought us here, but it’s not where we have to stay.

You have the ability to turn that big plane around. The same amount of energy that brought you here is the same energy that is capable of taking you in a new direction. It may take a bit of time to turn the plane around, but when it does, it has the same thrust in a new direction.

How do we change what doesn’t work? The fastest way I know of is to change your thoughts. You have the ability to change the way you feel, and in the process, change the way your life will unfold, simply by changing your thoughts. You create your world, moment by moment, by what you think and what you feel. Your thoughts create your feelings and your feelings create your life.

For example, when you’re doing your hair and you look in the mirror and your hair is out of place, you’re not going to do your hair in the mirror. Because? It is because the mirror is a REFLECTION, not the real thing. It is the same with the world. The world is a reflection. You create the world from the inside out, not the other way around. We mistakenly think that the physical world is what determines our state of mind, but in reality it is quite the opposite. Our thoughts create the physical world.

I want to talk to you for a moment about quantum physics. All it means is that the universe is governed by universal laws and these laws work all the time. For example, if I drop a pen, it will always fall to the ground. Gravity always works. Werner Von Braun, the father of space travel, said that the laws of the universe are so precise that you can figure out how to land a spaceship at precisely the right time.

Another law of the universe that always works is the Law of Attraction. I’m sure all of you have heard of “The Secret” by now. He was on Oprah and has done two shows on The Law of Attraction. In simple terms, we attract to us what we think, what we feel. In other words, we attract to ourselves a match for our vibration. When we enter a room, our energy enters before us. Just like you can feel another person’s energy, in the same way they can feel yours.

Your attraction meter is your feelings. Your inner voice speaks to you through your feelings. It says go ahead when you are positive and your feelings are aligned with what you want, and when you are negative and your feelings are not aligned with what you want, it says stop.

The law of attraction is:

  • Like attracts like.
  • Birds of a feather flock together.
  • What you want, wants you.
  • What you sew, you reap.
  • What you take out is returned to you.
  • What goes around comes around.

I’m sure you all know Albert Einstein. His formula E = MC (2) basically means that the world is made of energy. That means everything moves all the time. When you look at your hand, it looks solid, but it’s actually a fast-moving mass of molecules, just like everything else in the universe. Everything in this universe is energy and everything moves. The law of attraction says that you will attract to you a partner for your energy or your vibration. If you always have negative thoughts, your vibration will be negative and you will attract a match for that vibration. This is the same for positive thoughts.

It is only the thought that PERMEAS all time and space. Your thoughts create your feelings, and your feelings set up a frequency of energy that goes out into the universe and finds a match for that frequency. In the Bible it says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

The first step to understanding the Law of Attraction is to ASK. Several years ago I was going through a difficult time in my life when I needed to make some changes and a good friend said to me, “Do you know how to get what you want?” I looked at her and said, “Tell me about it.” “Ask, she said, you have to ask for what you want.”

Do you remember when you were little? A genie came out of a bottle, I think he was Aladdin, and said: “Your wish is my command.” Also, “Ask and it shall be given to you” and “To the one who knocks, the door is open.”

How many of us go to a restaurant and order something on the menu and expect to get exactly what we want? This is no different. Put your order. Ask what you want. Ask yourself: “What do I really want?” Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want. The universe is very literal, so write it down on a piece of paper and write it in the present tense.

Instead of saying “I hope to be in a good relationship one day” or “I don’t want to be in an abusive relationship” (the energy you are sending out is bad relationship energy), say instead, “I deserve to be in a healthy relationship.” , loving relationship with a partner who loves me unconditionally.” If you are in debt, instead of concentrating on getting out of it, say, “I am financially independent.” Say what you want in the present tense, as if you already have it. Feel it you have and believe it is possible.Remember, we create from the inside out.

Now, once we realize how this law of attraction works, we must be vigilant and bring to light all the underlying feelings that are still in the dark. What’s in the dark always comes to light sooner or later, so we might as well invite the demons in. Not running from demons removes the inconsistency between what we think we are creating and what we are actually creating. Remember, we attract by how we really feel, not by what we want or expect. If deep down you don’t feel like you deserve to be financially free or truly loved, it won’t happen. Often it is the subtext that creates, the thoughts and feelings that we have not yet allowed to reach consciousness. The acceptance of all our feelings creates a powerful vibration that sends a loud and clear message to the universe.

How to create

  • How do we create? If the first step in creating your world is to ask for what you want, the next step is for the universe to respond. This takes time. Do not be impatient. Put the right ingredients but don’t mess with the result. You are in charge of the ingredients, but not the result; that is the job of the universe. The universe has a way of putting all the pieces together and delivering them in ways you can’t even imagine. Once again, don’t be impatient. Here you are trying to change a life of dysfunction; it takes a little time. When you plant a seed, the fruit falls from the tree.
  • You don’t need to see the whole picture at once to know that things are changing. For example, you can drive 3,000 miles from Florida to California even though your car’s headlights only illuminate the road for 200 feet.
  • OK. Next, you should be able to RECEIVE. Now you have to align with what you are asking for. Remember how you feel is everything. If you can’t feel joy, how can you bring joy into your life? Similarly, if you focus on hate, you will attract it, and if you focus on anger, your life will be filled with that emotion.
  • And most importantly, what can you do if you feel negative? There is nothing better than GRATITUDE to create a positive feeling. Ask yourself: “What am I grateful for? Just think of one thing: a good friend, good health, a loving child, a supportive parent, a place to live, a great pet. And when you think about what you are immediately grateful for, you have a feeling, and that feeling goes out into the universe and finds a match for its vibration.

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