Lifestyle Fashion

Who needs to take vitamins?

Do you need vitamins, minerals and other food supplements for your health? If so, what vitamins should I take?

Most of us are willing to admit the need to have a good balance of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in our daily diet for good health, but many of us wonder if it is necessary to use vitamin pills and other dietary supplements to achieve this. . . Can’t we get enough of the vitamins we need from our daily diet?

I suppose some of us might be in good enough health not to need additional vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements, but IF YOU ARE IN ONE OF THE GROUPS BELOW, you may want to consider adding at least one daily multivitamin supplement to your diet. diet.

If you are a woman: Women may be deficient in minerals such as magnesium, folic acid, zinc, calcium, and, in some cases, iron. If you are pregnant or using birth control, you may need additional vitamin or mineral supplements for good health.

If you are dieting to lose weight or on a fairly limited diet or restricted nutritional regimen – Important vitamins and minerals are widely dispersed in a wide range of nutritional options (i.e. foods), and if you are limiting your intake by volume or by type, they are probably limiting their intake of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients vital to their health.

If you follow the normal American diet: Actually, the normal American diet is not very normal, nor is it good for your health! However, it is terribly lacking in the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones, and other nutritional elements that a healthy body needs. Also, if your diet contains all of these in optimal amounts, you are probably eating too much food – Catch 22!

If you smoke or drink alcohol frequently: Smoking and heavy drinking (about more than two drinks a day, which is GOOD for you) depletes certain vitamins and other nutrients.

If you are NO longer in good health, physically or mentally: Your body may not be processing vitamins, minerals, etc. that you are contributing to your diet. Additionally, the EXTRA vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that you provide with supplements can have a positive effect on the condition. It goes without saying that an appropriate supplementation program COULD HAVE PREVENTED or lessened the impact of the health problem in the first place.

If you love junk food and it tends to be an important part of your diet: Again, you are probably not getting the dietary balance of vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional elements necessary for good health. Unfortunately, many of the components in these types of foods, particularly refined sugar, actually filter vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from your body, or prevent the effective use, transport, or absorption of these nutrients.

If you can’t afford a consistent diet of the foods you think are most valuable to your health – a multivitamin pill costs just pennies a day, and without changing a single fact in your life, it can contribute significantly to your health and well-being. be.

If you are over 65: You have specific deficiencies and needs, as well as a number of possible health problems. Most likely, you are lacking B-12, vitamin D, vitamin K, folate, zinc, vitamin C, and other vitamins and minerals. As our bodies age (I’m 60, so I can speak), they become less efficient at processing nutrients of all kinds, so even if your typical diet contains all the nutrients it needs, your body is probably not. getting the full benefit of them. I mentioned some possible shortcomings above. Let’s look at just one, vitamin D deficiency, as it is very common in people over 65 years of age. This vitamin deficiency can contribute to some forms of cancer (including breast and colon cancer), muscle weakness, joint pain and the well published. osteoporosis. Again, a daily multivitamin can go a long way in promoting health in the years before and after age 65.


If you are a man, under 65 years of age, in excellent physical and mental health, exercise regularly, eat a nutritious and varied diet, do not smoke or drink, and YOU ARE NOT VERY SURE that YOUR DIET contains all the vitamins, minerals and others nutritional elements. Necessary Items for Good Health: You MAY want to tip the odds in your favor with a good daily multivitamin supplement.


Your health is fine. You do not need to supplement your current diet with vitamins and minerals.

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