Who really rules this nation?

Who really rules this nation?

As government stretches beyond its constitutional limits and undermines clearly biblical absolutes, what role do Christians have in politics and presidential elections? Should they participate in the battles to legislate morality, investing time, energy, talent, and resources in electing and overthrowing government authorities, passing and defeating laws? While one believer may insist on frontline warfare, another may insist that it is wrong to participate at all. But it doesn’t matter. What does the word of God say? Is one good and the other bad?

Romans 13: 1-8 establishes a series of non-negotiable truths that can help solve the gray. Points exempt certain timeless discussion and controversy.

“There is no authority but from God, and the authorities that exist are established by God” (verse one).

All authority is from the Lord. Not only the position of authority, but the very person who occupies it. If a person is in authority it is because God put him there, whether or not he agrees with his personal, moral and political convictions. If one thinks that what they are doing is correct or not. Whether what they believe, say or do lines up with the word of God or not. Whether they are Democrats, Republicans, Tea Party or independents. There is no authority except from God.

When Jesus did not answer Pilate regarding the charges brought against him, Pilate challenged him in John 19:10: “Do you not speak to me? Do you not know that I have power to crucify you and power to set you free?” Jesus answered in verse eleven: “You would have no authority against me, unless it were given to you from above.”

No person has power that is not given from above. Of God’s absolute power and authority, Daniel 2:21 says, “He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and raises up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the prudent.” Furthermore, “The Most High rules over the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever he pleases” (Daniel 4:25).

“Every soul be subject…” (verse one).

It is the essence of following Christ. A life entirely his own. Why the word soul? According to Strong’s G5590, soul comes from the Greek word psychÄ� (www.blueletterbible.com) and refers to the “breath of life; living being; seat of feelings, desires, affections, aversions (our heart, soul , etc. ); the soul as an essence that differs from the body and does not dissolve at death.” To be subject in Greek is to voluntarily assume one’s place in God’s order and be obedient to those He appoints.

No matter how a person can justify the challenge, nothing changes the maximum power and authority of God over all things. No matter how great the offense, how tragic the offense, how unjust the mandate, how immoral ruler. All are under what is ordained by God. Every human being who lives and breathes should be in the order of it, remain in the place assigned him, not only with the actions of the flesh, but with the attitude of the heart, mind and will.

If a Christian believes that God is who he says he is and will do what he says he will do, it will be entirely possible to submit to the ruling authorities, even when the individuals in charge are in direct opposition to the One who ultimately put them there. . Because believers’ faith, trust, and well-being do not depend on who is in authority and what laws they are enacting, they can know that God will take care of them no matter what. It doesn’t matter who is president or what threatens the nation. Nothing goes unnoticed by his radar or catches him off guard. He is in control, so that Christians can rest assured in the security of his promises, continuing in joy and peace even in the midst of cultural, moral, political, financial, and national chaos. They can be subject to governing authorities because God is THE Governing Authority.

“Therefore whoever resists the power, resists the ordinance of God; and those who resist will incur judgment on themselves “(verse two).

Believers who resist ruling authorities risk being judged for resisting God. There is only one exception, and that is when the word of authority is opposed to the word of God. If a command requires directly disobeying God, the Christian must obey God. Peter makes this clear in Acts 5:29 when he tells the high priest who forbade him and the apostles to preach in the name of Jesus: “We must obey God rather than men.” The Bible is a higher authority than any civil government. But if the law of the land is not directly opposed to the Bible, Christians must obey the civil and governmental authorities, whether or not they agree with their commands.

“Because the rulers are not terror for good deeds, but for bad… Because he is God’s servant for you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid, because it is not in vain that he bears the sword, for it belongs to God. minister, an avenger to punish him who does evil” (first part of three and verse four).

Many of the rulers do not seem to be ministers of God for good. They do not seem to be executing wrath on those who practice evil. Quite the opposite, in fact. However, the word of God is inerrant, which goes back to verse one. Is God the ultimate authority? Can he be trusted? Does all authority come from Him? Either it is or it isn’t. Either he is God or he is not. To believe is to believe that ALL those He places in positions of authority are His ministers for good. Because He says they are. It is not easy to understand, but it is necessary.

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