Why do men play games?  7 Reasons Why A Man Would Choose To Play Mind Games With Someone He Loves!
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Why do men play games? 7 Reasons Why A Man Would Choose To Play Mind Games With Someone He Loves!

The behavior of the men, at the best of times, is confusing, irritating, and just plain frustrating, because they always seem to be playing games. But why do men play? What makes you think that playing games gets you anywhere? Here are 7 reasons why a man would choose to play mind games with someone he loves:

He is bored and wants a challenge.

Men LOVE challenges. They love the feeling of discovering and solving a problem; and they get excited about the process of figuring things out. Sometimes they try to figure you out by playing games, and in the meantime, it’s the perfect way to stay interested and challenged all at the same time.

is emotionally unstable

Insecure men play the game the most, because they need to feel in control. Sometimes you can be hitting him hard where it hurts without realizing it, so he retaliates by playing, so you don’t get to know that he is actually hurt or insecure about something.

He wants to be in control

If you feel that you are losing control over yourself or the situation; he might start playing games to regain control. When you play, you can make up the rules and you can also break them if you want. He can also make you do what he wants, if he’s an effective player.

Is retaliating against something you did

You did something against his best wishes, or you said something really mean to him. Either way, he won’t forget it and will make sure you don’t make the same mistake twice by retaliating.

he wants you to change

Sometimes men present challenges to women, which appear to be some kind of mind game; but it’s really a challenge in disguise. You are probably testing it to see if it will change, and a game is a good way to get a clear answer.

he is stagnating you

If guys feel pressured to do something they don’t want to do, all they have to do is confuse you or make you argue with them, and they have a valid defense against whatever you ask of them. This is especially true when you start to pressure a man to commit and he is not ready.

He’s not ready to be opened

You’re looking into something he’s not ready to be open about. But you won’t drop it or let it go; so he creates a game to entertain you by probing his life. This is a defense mechanism for guys.

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