Why hire a security consultant
Legal Law

Why hire a security consultant

I’ve often been asked, “Why should I hire a security consultant to tell me what security measures my business needs?” I guess the main reason is if you know little to nothing about security then you need to hire someone who knows the ins and outs to get the most benefit.

There is much more to looking at your doors, windows and locks or alarm systems to find out what security measures are necessary to protect your entire business. The main objective is to analyze all your responsibilities in security issues and reduce or eliminate them. This saves you time and money in the long run and keeps you out of a potential short down the road.

To this end, you should conduct a physical site security survey. This will identify the most pressing security issues that may cause you trouble. By looking across the business, you can identify those issues, put measures in place to protect you, and reduce your liabilities.

There are measures that just need to change or implement policies and procedures that will reduce your liabilities. There are other measures you’ll need to take to protect your hiring process that can save you from a lawsuit. So there may be other measures that contain a security presence on site or after hours that will protect you.

The thing about competent security consultants is that they know what to look for when identifying security issues, and they know how to deal with them with cost-effective reductions/eliminations. They know what works and what doesn’t work for a variety of business types and their particular area of ​​location.

The security measures don’t mean it has to be a major outlay every time. But, it can become a significant expense if you do not have adequate security measures and end up in a legal situation being sued for that reason. You may have insurance to cover it, and they may not cover it if they find you negligent.

Then there’s the bad publicity, court time, attorney fees and so on. You can see that it can be very traumatic for a business owner! Especially if you lose the case and it’s very expensive too!

So it makes sense to use a security consultant to get the best benefits you can, think of the expense as an investment for the future. It will keep you out of court, it could save you on your insurance, it will keep you out of the spotlight of bad publicity, and it will give you peace of mind.

It’s better to be ready and not need it than to be unprepared and need it. This is true for any type of business! Stop considering security as an expense and see it for what it is, an investment to protect your future!

Consultants can help you with the following issues:

Ø Negligent recruitment/retention

Ø Responsibility of the premises

Ø Negligent security

Ø Hiring Security Services by Contract

Ø Physical Site Security Surveys

Ø Business Espionage

Ø Frauds and Internal Thefts

Disaster recovery

ØRisk analysis

There are many ways that a consultant can protect your business. He is looking to reduce his liabilities and protect himself, his employees, his assets and the facilities he has. After all you’ve worked for a while to get to where you are, wouldn’t it be silly to lose it all because you thought it was an unnecessary expense?

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“Why hire a security consultant”

©2004 By Gary L. Cunningham, CPO

C&M consulting services


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