Writing Tip: Five Ways to Make It Easy for Your Readers

Writing Tip: Five Ways to Make It Easy for Your Readers

Productivity Tip
You are most productive when you prominently position your bottom line up front. This writing tip is easier said than done. Here are five things you can do to make your emails and other documents easy to read and write!

  1. Find out what you want to do. Sometimes you know what you want the reader to do. For example, you want the reader to authorize a request, comment on a recommendation, or place an item on a meeting agenda. But many times, you may not be so clear about it. Remember, clear writing is clear thinking. So when you write, the first thing you should do is figure it out; if you don’t, you inadvertently play the game of “letting the readers figure it out.” And we know how well it works.
  2. Keep a business perspective. As a writer, you may think that FYI is a legit mindset, but FYI is confusing to most readers. They stop reading when it becomes clear that the document is FYI without any business application or significance. FYI is a kiss of death for most readers.
  3. Convert the academic model of Introduction, Body, Conclusion Upside down. Start with the conclusion, put the supporting facts in paragraph two, and give urgency in paragraph three. This is the model of doing things.
  4. Put the background explanation in paragraph two, not one. You may think you’re being helpful by updating your readers with background information before jumping to conclusions, recommending solutions, or requesting action. But for readers, the context of paragraph one is confusing, while the context of paragraph two is illuminating.
  5. Delicacy with the tone. Use the “keep it short and sweet” version of the KISS principle. Get down to business on the opening paragraph and tone it down to encourage cooperation. Play around with the language until it feels appropriate. Remember the three ways to put the purpose in the opening paragraph:
  • Ask a question: Could you please approve the Blackberry voice activation for the Director and external staff?
  • Make a definitive statement: Please approve Blackberry voice activation for Director and external staff?
  • Extend goodwill: Thank you for the opportunity to request your approval of Blackberry Voice Activation for the Director and external staff.

If you want to increase productivity, put what you want to do in paragraph one. Follow that paragraph with supporting information and add a deadline, timeline, or urgency. Finally, refine your message using a tone that encourages cooperation, and then see what happens. By following these simple steps, you’ll be amazed at what you can do.

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