Your assignment is not your decision but your discovery

Your assignment is not your decision but your discovery

A book I own called “The Assignment” by Mike Murdock discusses the concept that your purpose in life is not your decision, but simply your discovery. The more I think about this, the more the concept overwhelms me. What this says is that we don’t have to worry about trying to decide what we are going to do, we simply discover God’s will as we progress through life.

We discover God’s plan for our lives over time. Until we have the answers, let us trust, hope and obey God. God has it all figured out, we don’t have to figure it out ourselves. Doors begin to open and God’s grace and mercy envelops our lives as we discover his plan and don’t decide what his plan is. The other way God can work is by keeping doors closed or not opening them in the first place, thus providing us with safety and protection from unknown dangers, emotional pain, and heartache.

If we can find the flow to life, things become much easier. There is a place in God that if we can reach there is peace and security that everything will be alright. No more worries, your perfection will find us. We don’t have to fret or worry, contemplate, ponder or consider. We simply let go and leave God. We take one step at a time and watch God’s plan for our lives unfold.

In fact, God has a wonderful plan for everyone. Let there be no mistake about it. He did not create anyone with the intention of seeing them have a miserable life. God wants so badly to see us prosper and do well in life. But the way He reveals His plan is often in increments. One piece at a time. Over time, the puzzle begins to take shape. We don’t have to look for the puzzle pieces. God gives us one piece at a time…one piece at a time

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