Lifestyle Fashion

Your divine calling (1) – Finding your purpose in life

I am very excited to know that there is a specific path for each of us to walk, while we are on this earth. There is a specific path given to every person on the face of the earth. This divine path or assignment is his divine calling.

The divine call is a specific plan drawn up by ALMIGHTY GOD for each specific individual to execute. Each plan has a purpose, therefore each individual also has a purpose. GOD has sent each person to do something vital in this world. Each individual is unique with a unique vocation, therefore there is no competition.

You have a definite purpose to fulfill on earth. Why live like everyone else, when your purpose and calling is different and unique? There is no one else who can fulfill that divine calling exactly as you would. You were dressed by Almighty God for the job. That’s why God gave you the task, you are the best for that task.

Why live an empty life, when your creator designed you for something special? You have been called to have a great life. There is a divine assignment for you. You are not here by mistake. Even if your parents did not plan your coming and gave birth to you. I have news for you; It may be your mistake, but it is not God’s mistake. God is never wrong, you were planned by God. Maybe you were born in a country or a family that you don’t like and you’re not happy. Stop focusing on where you are or what has happened, that would not change. Begin to focus on discovering God’s plan for your life and spend your life fulfilling that great plan.

For many people, they simply decide and choose what they want in life and also what they want to become without consulting their divine creator. Listen, your coming to earth was orchestrated by God. God knew you before you came to earth. You are on a special mission. God gives the call. You do not choose your calling, God makes that choice for you. He is the assignor, you are the assignee. And you start functioning on your task, when you ask it to.

Do not become what you want or what your parents want for you or someone else. Communicate with Him and find out about Him.

In Ephesians 4:11, the Bible says:

“AND HE GAVE to some apostles, to some prophets, to some evangelists, to some pastors and teachers”.

In 1 Corinthians 12:27 – 28, the Bible says:

“Now you are the body of Christ, and members in particular. And GOD HAS PLACED some in the church, first apostles, then prophets, third teachers, then those who perform miracles, then those who heal, those who help, those who govern, those who have the gift of tongues.”

So, God has a special plan for your life, rejoice and be glad for your divine calling. Don’t be like anyone else, just be you. You can learn from people, learn good things from them, but don’t be a photocopy, be an original. Within you is placed your unique divine calling, so spend your life walking with Jesus in fulfilling your divine calling.

My divine calling is to help you fulfill your divine calling. My purpose is to help you discover it and teach you how to fulfill it. The purpose of this series of articles is to help you start from where you are, to help you understand how to know your divine calling, where you are in your current state, how to fulfill your divine calling and reveal it to you by Spirit. the essence and rewards of fulfilling your divine mandate.

In the next article, we will get more general information about your divine calling and how it all begins.

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