2 Cousins ​​of Carpal Tunnel You Should Know

2 Cousins ​​of Carpal Tunnel You Should Know

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a very specific nerve disorder in which the median nerve, which begins in the neck and runs from the forearm to the hand, becomes compressed or pinched at the wrist. In some cases there may also be compression in the spine.

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include pain, tingling, and/or numbness in the wrist or hand. Often people who suffer from CTS will lose their grip strength, so much so that people sometimes find that they cannot hold a cup of coffee or even a pencil without difficulty.

A specific test can easily identify the correct diagnosis, but doctors are often quick to make a snap diagnosis based on symptoms alone.

That is precisely (I am using that specific word on purpose and you will see why later) the reason why CTS surgery often fails and why other treatments you may have had for CTS have not worked. You may not have CTS after all!

Here are 2 “cousins” of CTS. I call them “cousins” because they are related to CTS and are often misidentified as CTS, but they are definitely not the same thing and require unique treatment strategies to eliminate.

First cousin is a type of tendonitis (inflammation of a tendon or the tube-like sheath it slides through) called lateral stenosing tenosynovitis (!), oh that’s a technical medical term, here’s the easier version of remember, DeQuervain’s tendonitis.

This condition involves a tendon in the thumb and wrist that is usually irritated by excessive typing or the use of hand tools. Once swollen, the tendon cannot slide easily through its sheath, causing pain and sometimes a shooting burning sensation in the wrist or hand near the thumb.

This is often misdiagnosed as CTS. A competent doctor will accurately make this diagnosis with a manual test… you just need to take the time to do it.

Once a correct diagnosis is made, treatment usually includes very short-term splints or braces, rest from activity, and specific therapy modalities designed to reduce inflammation and improve mobility of the tendon through its sheath. Rehabilitation exercises and stretching are then performed to strengthen the area and prevent recurrence. Injections, surgery, or other invasive procedures are rarely needed.

Recovery without complications can take between 2 weeks and 2 months, depending on the severity.

The second cousin of CTS is called thoracic outlet syndrome or TOS. TOS is a condition of blockage or irritation of the blood vessels and nerves as they pass from the side of the neck to the shoulder to supply the upper extremity. Tightness of the muscles of the forehead and the side of the neck are often the cause of the condition. Car accidents, postural stress (prolonged desk, computer, and phone use), and poor sleeping posture (sleeping on your stomach or a pillow that doesn’t fit well) are all root causes of TOS. Symptoms of TOS include numbness, pain, tingling

of the hand, wrist or arm. Patients often report waking up feeling like their arm is a “lead pipe.” It may get better once out of bed or it may stay.

Females are much more prone to TOS probably due to their more complex neurovascular network in the area.

Again, a competent exam will accurately find out if you are suffering from TOS or CTS. A few simple noninvasive manual tests will make the distinction.

Treatment consists of removing the inflammation and/or irritation of the nerves and relaxing the muscles. Underlying postural and biomechanical issues of the neck need to be addressed to prevent the condition from returning, as does ergonomic advice to make work work.

Less offensive posture. An uncomplicated recovery can be expected in 2 to 4 weeks in most cases.

A complete examination by a competent Doctor of Chiropractic who specializes in orthopedics can determine if your hand and wrist symptoms are from carpal tunnel or if it is actually caused by one of these “cousins.” After initial treatment, he or she may also recommend stretching exercises at home that can be done to aid recovery and prevent relapse. In some cases, hidden problems of the spine and neck can play a role and be the key to treating the cause vs. the symptom

There is a new space-age medical technology that can pinpoint where hand and wrist pain is coming from and can heal tendons and nerves at virtually the speed of light.

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