Health Fitness

4 top tips on how to burn belly fat fast

Belly fat is uncomfortable, makes it difficult to buy clothes, and is indicative of a health problem more important than simply having fat around the abdomen.

1. Where we store fat

Humans store their fat in some obvious places and some less obvious places. You will find subcutaneous fat in the hips, butt, abdomen, and thighs. That is the fat that you can easily see. The other fat is called visceral fat and it can really be a problem for your health. Fat that has nowhere else to go can deposit in and around the major organs of your body, including the lungs, heart, liver, and digestive tract. A certain amount of visceral fat is good, but when there is a lot of it, then there is a problem. Too much visceral fat and it increases the likelihood of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, high cholesterol, and hypertension. You never want visceral fat to be deposited directly onto an organ in your body. So, we are not just talking about belly fat, we are talking about being healthy and staying that way.

2. What is your problem?

In terms of belly fat, you need to reduce the size of your waist and your belly fat. On average, women’s waist should not exceed 35 “and men’s should not exceed 40”. That is just a guide. What to think about is if you have a wide waist and more belly fat than normal, then you probably have more visceral fat on your body than you should. And even thin people can have too much visceral fat if they are not active.

3. Get in shape

There’s no getting around it if you really want to get rid of belly fat and more importantly work on visceral fat to stay healthy, then you have to make time in your life to exercise. Fortunately, it doesn’t take a lot of exercise to make a difference in your life. Doing aerobic exercise three times a week for twenty minutes each time can make a difference in your health and appearance. This can mean brisk walking (not just strolling), dancing, swimming, basketball, martial arts, jogging, or exercising on stationary exercise equipment such as treadmills, elliptical machines, or rowing machines. To make this change in your lifestyle, it helps to exercise with someone else. Ask that neighbor down the street to walk with you every night. Or make it a family affair with a membership from your local Y. Start skiing or walk the dog for longer walks – even doing something like gardening or cleaning the yard can be aerobic. As always, check with your doctor before starting any new fitness plan.

4. A healthy diet

Recent research indicates that you can lose weight simply by adding more fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet. Adding extra fiber to your diet also helps reduce both visceral and subcutaneous fat. Eliminate as many sugary foods as possible from your diet, including sodas, juices, candy, and cakes, and replace them with water, vegetables, fruits, and complex carbohydrates.

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