5 flat stomach exercises for beginners
Health Fitness

5 flat stomach exercises for beginners

When starting a new exercise routine, choosing the right exercises for a flat stomach is vital if you want to lose belly fat and get a flat stomach. It takes a combination of cardio and toning exercises to develop the ripped abs you want. Here are 5 of the best beginner workouts for a flat stomach that can help you trim that flab around your waist.

1. Walk.

While walking is a good exercise for your heart, arms, legs, and buttocks, it is one of the best exercises for beginners to achieve a flat stomach. An hour of brisk walking can burn up to 240 calories and tone your abs at the same time. What makes walking a great exercise is the fact that it can fit into your daily routine, as you may choose to walk to and from work or when you visit the grocery store instead of driving your car. If you use public transportation, get off a stop or two early and walk the rest of the way.

2. Cycling.

An hour of cycling can help you burn up to 1,000 calories. Regular and stationary bikes are great tools for burning calories and toning your abdominal muscles. They engage various muscles in the lower body, such as the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and hip flexors. Cycling also works your core muscles, as they have to balance and support your upper body as you pedal. It’s also one of the flat stomach exercises you can do with your family while you work to shed those extra pounds.

3. Swimming.

Swimming is an important full-body exercise that tones all your muscles, including your abdominal muscles. It is also a very powerful calorie burner. an hour of swimming will burn an average of 667 calories. Swimming is one of the best all-around exercises for a flat stomach because it makes you work many other parts of your body while you work out your belly. The combination of fat burning and muscle toning is the perfect combination for building strong, solid, flat abs.

4. Resistance or strength training.

Resistance or strength training is considered one of the best exercises for a flat stomach because your muscles will burn calories even while you rest. Resistance training exercises are not just for men as they are also effective flat stomach exercises for women. Women worry about resistance training because they think it will build big, bulky muscles. But this will not happen. The big, bulky muscles that male bodybuilders have are due to the male hormone testosterone and a very specific bodybuilding training program.

5. Plank.

The plank is one of the stationary exercises for a flat stomach that tests your stamina while strengthening your shoulders, back, glutes, and abs. This exercise will give you rock hard abs as it primarily works the rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis muscles.

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