Before Investing – Add Igate to the End – Online Businesses Exposed

Before Investing – Add Igate to the End – Online Businesses Exposed

Before you invest in any online business, be sure to do your research. There are too many scams out there that sound completely legitimate, but fall short of honesty in content. In these tough economic times, more people are taking advantage of the desperation that exists with job losses and depleted savings and are counting on you, the consumer, to buy into their scam so they can make money off of you.

Before you reverse, add igate to the end of that word. I have been testing many different online business opportunities over the last year and what I am finding is that there are tons of people and companies sending out advertising to promote their business opportunity.

Each of them claims to be better than the other. Be careful, most of the published offers are not what they seem. In fact, only 3% of people out of millions and millions of people earn a penny from these companies. Again, in fact, the other 97% lose money, and I mean a lot of money.

Just think about it for a minute, if everyone who signed up for an online business made money, how could it continue? Someone has to lose money for others to make money, right?

Many people you talk to who have contacted you or you contacted them and start the sales pitch are probably very sincere in what they are telling you. Why wouldn’t they be? Chances are they’ve also received the same sales pitch from someone else who’s been in business a few days longer than they have.

These sales pitches have undergone extensive consumer testing to see how well they get a response from the public. The bottom line is you, the consumer buying the hype in hopes of making millions online and never having to worry financially again.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with dreaming of a better life for you and your family. The problem is that those great internet gurus hope and pray every day that someone is willing to put down their life savings for a shot at total financial and emotional security, which usually comes with no more bills to worry about. I tell you that the top people in these companies have it made, they have little servants who do their bidding by sucking people in and spitting them out when they are drained.

Did you know that there are other companies that sell testimonials from normal people like you? They will not admit it, there are some who will divulge this information. They are hard to find and are few and far between. In fact, they get people, real people, and give them a little ray of hope to give a great testimonial and show all these people that they’re supposed to have been successful in the business.

No matter what you see or hear about any business that you think sounds good, do your research. This means checking the Better Business Bureau and other consumer protection sites. The Attorney General is one that could be of some use as a good resource.

Once you review an offer for the trading experience of a lifetime, sit back and watch your inbox load with tons of offers, each one sounding better than the last. So here you are reviewing one offer and the next one sounds better so you review it and everything sounds great for you to buy. The problem is that everyone you talk to sounds very positive, don’t get me wrong, being positive is a good thing, however you will find that you will be urged to be positive no matter what your circumstances are. These are just simple tactics used to trick you into thinking that one day, if you work really hard and spend all your hard-earned money, you might start seeing a profit.

The biggest problem with that is that they make it look so easy and slip those little tips in telling you to stay positive so others will sign up and earn you even more money. See, this is how they keep their bank accounts full and yours empty.

Do you think they care about that after you get people to sign up and then give up after you can’t continue or you’ll be completely broke? No, they don’t care because now they have your people to suck and they get people to give up and so on…

There are many tools that can make it easy to get your business off the ground. Some are really good and some are not so good. the problem with that is that the only way to see if they work is to buy them. Most have money-back guarantees, but that just means you have more of your money tied up that you can’t use, and if you’re lucky enough to get a product that actually works as advertised, then you might be fine for a while.

Beware of those wonderful tools, what you won’t see at first is that most of the tools and programs you see that are now flooding your inbox, don’t work at their best unless you buy the next part you don’t know about. approximately until I buy the first part. I have purchased some of these programs and products. It starts with a minimum of $19.95 (just an example), so that sounds great. Right? Well, once you buy it, you’ll get a screen that gives you a unique offer (you’ll get familiar with the OTO, (unique offer) the longer you work in an online business) That offer is the second part of the product that you don’t they talked to you in the first place, and on top of that, they give you the urgency that if you don’t buy now, the price will go back to its normal price forever (and that’s usually true) that price will be astronomical to say the least. Ok now shop, thinking you’ve made it this far, what’s another $29.95 (another example) so check your account and figure I’m going to make this up in the next few days anyway, so why not?

Guess what? Here’s another OTO. This time it says that this is it, now you are complete and can excel in making your fortune. Okay, now you’re stuck, you just bought the first two parts of this system and now it’s telling you that to be truly complete, you now need this last piece to have it all. You can’t stop now, can you? Of course, no. Now you will be ready. You buy this third part and wham, $49.95 (another example).

Did you notice that the price in my example kept going up? That’s not just an example, that’s how it happens.

The original $19.95 you thought you were going to spend to blow up your business has now quickly turned into $99.85, which is one big reason why I say look into everything.

Don’t be fooled by the big name gurus. Who do you think are the ones taking people’s money and making a fortune? The more they earn, the more money they have to post flashy websites and flashy products to get you hooked into thinking you’ll be the next big success story for them.

Now remember this, it’s possible for someone to make some money online, but it’s hard to find someone who is actually willing to spend the time and energy to make you successful. It takes a lot of time, energy, patience, and most of all, it takes money to make money.

You will find many types of offers in the internet world, your success will depend on whether you are willing to take the risk of going from one scam to another, spending cash after cash, until you finally find that special program with that one. special person willing to put in the time to make sure you succeed.

The main point here is this: Do your research before you invest anything. The best start for anyone is to familiarize yourself with all the free stuff you find until you feel comfortable looking at all the different offers and know the names of the big players and research them. Search for each program that interests you and use the word scam in your search to see what other people’s experience has been with that particular program, product, or person. Good luck my friends and be aggressive with your inquiries and don’t let your money slip away so easily.

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