Can Sri Lankan women be creative?  Review from a third world country!
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Can Sri Lankan women be creative? Review from a third world country!

It is encouraging now to see Sri Lankan women looking at creativity in a positive way. But many raised the question of how creative Sri Lankan women can be, as there are some barriers to them acting that way.

One said that “culture” is the main barrier for Sri Lankan women to be creative.

It is a fact that Sri Lanka has a predominantly male society. There is a complaint that men in general do not want women to be talkative or sociable. I feel there is some truth to that statement. The limitations imposed by culture on women are holding back their creativity. The main prerequisite for creativity is the ability to think openly and independently. It required a free flow of ideas without any mental barriers.

Is Sri Lankan “culture” creating a barrier to the free flow of ideas for women? Many think YES.

Sri Lankan women should start creativity from home. First they can be creative in the kitchen or in the way they handle things at home. But do they enjoy independence in making such decisions? Some think that Sri Lankan women are not independent to take or implement their thought in a society, office or at home. Even what they should wear or not wear is decided by their respective husband or boyfriend. Sometimes what they cook or how they cook is decided or influenced by the mother-in-law. In such a situation, how can they be creative at home? As I said creativity for women should start from home and if their flow of ideas is blocked at home then by no means can they be creative in office or in society.

One asked me: have you ever seen a woman be aggressive in a meeting? If they try to be aggressive or creative in solving problems, they have to find another job. Is this true in Sri Lanka? It is a fact that we even had a Madam President and also the first Madam Prime Minister in the world. But how come Sri Lankan women still think they can’t make independent decisions? This shows that even women have not played their role and explored their true potential. Instead, they are satisfied with what they have.

It is a fact that women are weak in various aspects such as physical strength and sensitivity. Is this limiting your creativity? At times we have seen that women like to play second fiddle in many places due to their inherent limitations. But they shouldn’t need to limit your thinking or creativity in that way. Especially in professional organizations, it is the results that ultimately matter and the gender of the person who delivered the results is secondary. If women can think differently and work creatively, they can move and gain acceptance in business and society.

In any case, men are mainly accused of limiting the creative thinking of women. In the information age, gender plays a lesser role, we as Sri Lankans should now think differently. Men must also play a role here. It was necessary to stop treating women as “weak” and encourage women to think, speak and come up with solutions in a free and creative way.

But the greatest responsibility for finding their own destiny lies in the hands of women. No one could expect someone else to give them what they need. Women; even though they are physically weak, the strength in their mind is enough for them to stand up on their own.

Take the challenge and prove it. It is your duty!

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