How to choose an electronic currency changer

How to choose an electronic currency changer

For many people, the idea of ​​using an electronic currency online can be a scary one. We’ve all heard the horror stories of people getting scammed and money stolen by dishonest companies, but there are some companies that have worked hard to build a good reputation for being honest and doing what they can to […]

The growth of technology

The growth of technology

It’s hard to believe how much the world has changed in the last 30 years. Three decades ago, a day at the office involved poring over files and pages of printed statistics that had been mailed from another office. A similar day today would involve reading these same statistics from the screen of a digital […]

The 10 elements of a successful tender

The 10 elements of a successful tender

More than $30 billion is being spent through the bidding process in Australia, but many companies downplay their chances to reap the rewards of generating profitable contracts. I’ve seen too many companies that are too busy responding to bids to stop and look for ways to start winning bids. I have asked many companies about […]

Why do people hate?

Why do people hate?

As an author and Holocaust researcher, I appreciate a thorough examination of morality. Disgust, despair, and darkness exist within human nature. The victims of the Holocaust faced the most perfidious forces; deceit, brutality, cruelty, disease, starvation, and the death of loved ones were the daily companions of concentration camp prisoners. How is it that so […]

Food that does not match the menu

Food that does not match the menu

The question of whether you’re really getting the exact same food that’s listed on the menu has persisted in the restaurant industry. What guarantee is there that you will get exactly what you ordered? Are there checks and balances in place to ensure the integrity of the companies that source the food available in restaurants? […]