Converting blog content into an ebook: tips and tricks
Digital Marketing

Converting blog content into an ebook: tips and tricks

It wasn’t until recently that I realized that most internet entrepreneurs and internet marketers don’t get the most out of their online content. Instead, they exhaust themselves trying to constantly create new content from scratch in the fast past. One area that I have found that more people need to work on is getting the most out of the blog content they post.

So, I’m going to share with you a few tricks I use to turn my blog posts into a profitable eBook:

Tip #1 – Go through your blog posts and find the most popular ones. The reason you want to pull out your most popular blog posts is because those are the ones that interested your audience the most and will make a much better ebook. And don’t just spend 5-10 minutes doing this, take your time and do some thorough work and find some good items to use.

Tip #2 – Turn your long lists into an eBook. I don’t know about you, but for me one of the easiest types of blog posts you can write is in a list format. And sometimes their lists can go on for what seems like forever. If you find posts like this on your blog, you should convert these posts into a single eBook. You can use each bullet point as a separate topic in your eBook.

Tip #3 – Use posts that you have published in a series. Posts that are published in a series are the perfect posts for creating an eBook. The reason is because when you write in a series format, your content will generally flow from one topic to the next without a problem. So you don’t have to spend an unnecessary amount of time trying to make your blog posts fit.

Tip #4 – Include a promotional resource box in your ebook. Just like an article, you should include a resource box at the beginning or end of your ebook, whether you’re going to sell it or not. This is part of your branding and your traffic generation strategy. So make sure you drive more traffic to your blog.

Tip #5 – Be sure to include an introduction and a conclusion in your eBook. When most people try to turn their blog posts into an ebook, they completely forget to make sure the ebook has a good introduction and conclusion. You need to write a powerful introduction that engages your audience, and at the end you need to write a conclusion that gets your audience to act.

And if you really want to save time and want to create an eBook directly from your blog, here’s a trick:

If you use WordPress then there is a plugin called anthologize and it will allow you to publish and convert your blog posts into an eBook really easy and it will even allow you to export your posts as PDF documents.

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