crack baby
Legal Law

crack baby

Helped a girl get her health back when other doctors failed. Her problems were quickly resolved because her foster mother brought her to my center on time. Despite horrible prenatal care and delivery procedures, she is doing very well and continues to thrive.

As a chiropractor I have the privilege of helping with the most difficult cases. I help people who have been everywhere and tried everything, to no avail. The other day I helped the two-year-old daughter of a crack-addicted prostitute. She was abandoned by her mother after a traumatic birth in a dingy hotel room. Her mother actually squatted on a dirty rug and gave herself up, pulling the child from herself with her own hands.

Now, this girl is under the guardianship of the state. Her real mother abandoned her. Her adoptive mother explained that she had taken the child to all the pediatricians in the city. Each one did exactly the same, they gave him medicine. Even though all of her problems stemmed from her spending the first nine months floating in drug-filled amniotic fluid, they still wanted to prescribe more of the same. When I saw her, the child’s development was so delayed that she could not walk or talk at two years of age. She just trembled. She was terribly thin and did not eat. Some narrow-minded people actually called this poor girl a “crack baby”. What an ugly name for someone who never had a chance.

Obviously, a baby should say its first words and walk by the time it is one year old. At two years old, most normal children are so active that they drive their parents crazy. This girl didn’t say anything and could barely stand up. It was heartbreaking to watch her. But her adoptive mother had not given up hope and she wanted me to check on the child.

I examined the boy, using all the standard tests. After that, I examined her for a condition that no other doctor had checked for, something called “subluxation.” A subluxation is a bone out of place, causing serious interference with the nervous system. Our tests showed that this child had a massive vertebral subluxation at the base of the skull, near the part of the brain that controls vital functions. Vital functions include heartbeat, respiration, digestion, and elimination.

These particular types of subluxations are frequently caused by traumatic births. Many times, forceps and suction deliveries can cause babies to have subluxations just below the skull. Even so-called “normal births” can cause subluxation, due to the anxious jerk that occurs when doctors try to help nature. Sometimes forces of 60 to 90 pounds are used to pull the baby out of the birth canal. This force is enough to cause a subluxation and can lead to lifelong problems or even death.

Of course I adjusted the child. Fitting means gently realigning the bones of the body and taking pressure off the nervous system. When I did, THE GIRL WALKED TOWARDS HER FOSTER MOTHER. The baby began to cry. The foster mother cried. It was the most dramatic and beautiful thing I had ever seen, and I started crying too.

The next day they returned. The girl was doing better and she was beginning to develop a healthy appetite. Someone had a birthday celebration and she ate a big piece of birthday cake. A few days later, she ordered food from my secretaries who had carrots and hard-boiled eggs for lunch. It was almost as if she was trying to catch up with all the growth and development she had missed. She ate voraciously and walked better.

I often think of that girl and wonder; What if she hadn’t adjusted it? It is possible that she never had a chance. She could still be subluxed and struggling to thrive. It’s amazing how deep a precise chiropractic adjustment can go.

Dr. Visentin, D.C.

Denver Chiropractor

chiropractic care

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