Critical thinking: Can a crisis allow humanity to connect with its true feelings?

Critical thinking: Can a crisis allow humanity to connect with its true feelings?

In the same way that an individual can go through a difficult time, humanity as a whole can also go through a difficult time. When it comes to what can upset a person, it can be a breakup, a loss, or some kind of setback.

On the other hand, when it comes to what can disturb humanity as a whole, it can be related to a war, an epidemic or a shortage. In the first case, someone will experience certain feelings, but most people in your life are likely to experience different feelings, and in the second case, a large part of the population will experience certain feelings.

the catalyst

Now, regardless of whether an individual or humanity as a whole is going through a difficult time, it could be said that what is going on externally is the cause. Therefore, what has happened will be the reason why a person or a large number of people feel this way.

In other words, a human being or several human beings will be powerless. To say that someone or several people were involved in what is happening would be to blame the victim or victims.

see it through

With this in mind, when it comes to something that affects humanity as a whole, like an epidemic, it would be best for as many people as possible to keep their heads up and move on. Fortunately, sooner or later, what is happening is likely to pass.

So it’s going to be essential that as many people as possible make sure they don’t allow themselves to live in “negative” feelings or bathe in self-pity. Of course, there will be times when this is not possible and a large part of the population will not be able to stay positive.

Step back

However, although it may seem that humanity as a whole will have been affected by what is happening and will not have been separated, what if there is more? What if humanity as a whole co-created what is currently going on?

Listening to this, someone might believe that this is completely ridiculous. And since what they, along with their peers, are going through will and will continue to cause so many problems, why would they respond differently?

ego consciousness

However, although what is happening will have caused and will continue to cause much damage, it does not mean that they, along with their peers, are powerless victims. The view that what is going on “out there” has no connection to them and their fellow beings is due to their ego-mind’s sense of separation.

This part of your being will make you see what is happening externally as separate from what is happening internally. Also, since the way they feel is likely to be different from how they felt before, this can be seen as another sign that what is happening is not connected to them.


The part of you that makes you see everyone and everything as separate is the same part that allows you to disconnect from “negative” thoughts and feelings and the painful parts of yourself. After this has happened, you will forget everything that you have pushed out of your consciousness.

What is happening to you at a deeper level may be radically different from what is happening to you at a more superficial level. Once this “negative” material has been pushed into your unconscious mind, it will continue to affect your life.

all together

Not only this, this repressed material will become part of the collective unconscious, which can be seen as a container that contains the repressed material of all other human beings. This material will have an effect on what happens on the planet.

So if this container is filled with “negative” feelings like helplessness, powerlessness, and hopelessness, for example, humanity as a whole is to be expected to co-create situations, circumstances, and events that cause a lot of pain and suffering. . Because these feelings are pushed out of the conscious mind of so many people and they get stuck in their ego-mind’s sense of separation, it will seem like what happened has made them feel a certain way and has no connection to them.


What is happening, then, will have allowed humanity as a whole to get in touch with how it really feels, not how it wants to feel. This will mean that they are not being punished, although it may seem that way and there may be certain people who are a manifestation of this point of view, the external world simply reflects what is happening within the collective unconscious.

If the feelings that have been triggered, thanks to what is happening externally, are accepted and worked on, what is happening in the collective unconscious will change and it will be possible to create a different experience on this planet. However, if a large part of the population pushes how they really feel back into their unconscious mind, it may not be long until something else happens.

final thoughts

With this in mind, it shows how important it is for humanity as a whole to face their emotional wounds and overcome them. If this were to happen, there is a strong possibility that the world would be transformed.

Still, this can be seen as very idealistic and, perhaps, at this time, this work is something that will only be done by a small part of the population. If so, the people who undertake this work will continue to change what is happening in the collective unconscious and, as a result, change the planet.

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