Dental care for babies and toddlers

Dental care for babies and toddlers

Do you want your kids to keep those pearly whites glowing and healthy as they grow? Well, who wouldn’t want that?

Well, are you ready to learn the ultimate secret to perfect teeth? Well, get ready for this: it’s pure dental hygiene!

Did you ever think for a moment that there will be some rocket science reveals here? Sorry if this disappointed you, but the secret really lies in establishing a good dental routine early in life (as soon as the first baby tooth appears!).

A baby with good dental hygiene can prevent various dental problems, such as cavities, gum disease, and abscesses. Keep in mind that these dental problems are not only painful, but may even require a treatment or two, which can also be quite expensive! Additionally, good dental hygiene can have a lasting effect on your facial appearance and speech development as well.

Encourage the development of healthy baby teeth

Your baby’s teeth begin to develop even before he is born. When your baby is around 6 to 9 months old, the first tooth (also called a baby tooth or milk tooth) will normally begin to appear.

Take care of your baby’s milk teeth as if they were gold. They will serve as the foundation for how mature teeth will eventually form.

How can dental problems in babies be prevented? Aside from proper brushing and regular visits to the dentist, there are still several things you can do to ensure that your baby’s or any young child’s teeth remain healthy. Here are some suggestions that you may find helpful:

o Load up on calcium. Make sure your baby drinks enough milk and starts eating calcium-rich foods when she is old enough to do so. This will help ensure proper tooth development and can also help maintain good dental health.

or Say no to sugar! Stay away from foods and drinks high in sugar. You may also want to try sugar-free medications whenever possible.

o Minimize contact with sugar – Sugar is not good for your baby’s dental health. However, if it cannot be avoided, try feeding your baby sugary foods only during meals. It will minimize the amount of time sweet foods spend in your child’s mouth and may help lower the risk of developing dental problems later on.

o Don’t add sugar to a baby’s bottle. Sugary drinks in the bottle are absolutely prohibited as they can play a major role in promoting tooth decay. When you feed your baby juice, dilute it first and have him drink it from a cup.

o Choose healthy alternatives – Offer your baby some cheese or fruit as snacks between meals. These contain essential nutrients vital for good dental health.

o Children should be discouraged from thumb or finger sucking. This is an unhealthy dental habit that can affect the development of your baby’s teeth.

o Try to avoid the use of pacifiers (also known as dummies). These can also affect your baby’s teeth. And please, if you’re going to use them anyway, don’t dip them in honey or fruit juices! That will do double damage!

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