Exercise During Pregnancy: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Exercise During Pregnancy: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

You are pregnant? Has your doctor told you to move in any way, to do some type of exercise? (By the way, ALWAYS check with a doctor before starting an exercise program.)

Exercise can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Here are some things to think about if you’re having trouble starting an exercise program during your pregnancy.

==> The Good.

You need to exercise during pregnancy. You need to stretch gently and stay as flexible as possible. This can make a big difference in the quality of your delivery and recovery.

I know. I have had four full-time pregnancies and have experienced firsthand the difference staying flexible can make. Exercise also makes your body work at a more efficient rate, which will help you sleep better and improve your digestion, two things that shouldn’t be taken lightly during pregnancy.

The difference that exercise during pregnancy can make to your postpartum recovery is incredible. Again, I can tell you from personal experience that a comfortable and reasonable exercise routine (just walking is great) can help your body “recover” like nothing else.

Physical exercise has been shown to improve mood. Girlfriend, we know how to have moods when we’re pregnant, right? Enough talk.

And do not forget this vital point. A healthier mom means a healthier baby. How can you argue with that?

==> The bad.

Exercise performed during pregnancy is different from exercise at other times. You have to be very sensitive to the needs of your body. You have to slow down and be willing to stop early. You must also be willing to be flexible in your choice of exercise. If you like to run, you probably won’t be able to keep it up throughout your pregnancy. Of course, that choice will be between you and your doctor.

Still, all those points have a silver lining. A great exercise for pregnancy is swimming. And hey, nobody cares how you look in a bathing suit! In fact, being pregnant is a wonderful time to celebrate the beauty of your body. Take advantage, buy a nice outfit and head to the water.

An additional safety point to consider when exercising is not to overheat. I’ve experienced this too, and it’s not fun. She was only fourteen weeks pregnant, but the weather was hot and humid. I was playing horseshoes (hardly an aerobic sport), but after a short while I was feeling terrible. People around me commented on how flushed I looked. When I walked in, it took me a long time to cool down, much longer than normal.

So be careful. Exercise during pregnancy is meant to benefit you and your baby, but that means it must be moderate and regulated. Save Olympics for later.

==> The Ugly.

You are pregnant. You feel sick. Are you tired. Exercise?? You’re crazy?

It’s true. Even the most die-hard fitness girl often finds the motivation to exercise during pregnancy much more difficult for her. So if she doesn’t exercise regularly, she will wonder how she can achieve this. Even if she knows it’s very important to her health and her baby’s well-being, it can be hard to just get started.

The number one recommendation I can give you is not to do this on your own. It is too big a leap during this season in your life. The good news is that you have some great options that can make your exercise time downright fun.

Look for an exercise system or group designed specifically for pregnant women. (For a detailed review of such a system, see the author’s resource box that follows this article.) Look for one that provides plenty of support. This is critical! You should be in regular contact with other pregnant women who are exercising. This will give you the motivation you need to stick with your exercise program even when you don’t feel like it.

Let’s be honest. You will need a place to vent and openly share your pregnancy experiences. An exercise group from other moms-to-be could be very, very helpful to you. I highly recommend it.

So do something wonderful for you and your baby today and get moving!

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