Exercises after pregnancy: get back in shape

Exercises after pregnancy: get back in shape

Exercises after pregnancy are a must if you want to lose all the weight you gained during your pregnancy. Exercise will increase your endurance. Gradually you will tone up your body and you will look fitter. You will be beaming with self-confidence at the sight of your new you or should I say the old you.

When to start training

If you’ve had a normal vaginal delivery, you can start light exercise six weeks after delivery. However, if you have had a C-section or any complications during delivery, you should wait until your doctor gives you the green signal. In the meantime, you should focus on taking care of your body and your baby’s.

Before you start your workouts after pregnancy, it would be good to keep in mind that losing all the weight will take time. Also, you should not make the mistake of going on a strict diet or some kind of rapid weight loss program after pregnancy. Crash diets can cause complications and should be avoided. They are also not a healthy way to lose weight.

In the early stages of your post-pregnancy period, you can focus on abdominal and Kegel exercises. Kegel exercises help strengthen the pelvic muscles. Talk to your doctor about Kegel exercises and start doing them as soon as you can. Do them while you are sitting, feeding your child, or walking.

Workouts after six weeks

Six weeks postpartum, you can talk to a trainer to suggest some post-pregnancy exercises. Once your doctor says it’s okay, you can increase your walks to 60 minutes. Practice swimming, yoga or aerobic exercises. Buy an exercise video and enjoy your exercises. While you are busy exercising you should not forget to take care of your diet. You must eat a healthy and balanced diet. Include fresh fruits, vegetables, protein, calcium, iron, etc. in your diet.

One of the reasons you may find it difficult to lose all the weight you gained during pregnancy is that you may not find time to exercise. With a new baby, things can get really hectic. If you can’t find a full 30 minutes, you can try doing three 10-minute sessions. Or better yet, you can try exercises that can be done with your baby. For example, you can put your baby in a baby carrier and do some simple dance steps.

Another way to find time is to do your exercises while your child is napping. In the meantime, it’s important to remain patient, as you may not see results right away. Here are some tips to help you-

  • Weigh yourself only once a week.
  • If you’re new to exercise, start slowly.
  • Breastfeed your child before exercising.
  • Give yourself a pat on the back for your achievements.
  • Don’t strain.
  • Keep hydrated.
  • Once you have decided to lose that extra weight, you should do your exercises after pregnancy religiously.

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